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HART Visiting Artist-in-Residence 藝術家駐留計劃 - Sin Wai Kin
to Apr 6

HART Visiting Artist-in-Residence 藝術家駐留計劃 - Sin Wai Kin

We are delighted to announce that Sin will be joining us for an artist residency at HART Haus from 14 March to 6 April, 2025. An artist meet & greet along with a screening of their work The Story Cycle will be held on 29 March, and we invite everyone to join us.

This residency is realised in collaboration with Blindspot Gallery.


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Supper Club
to Mar 30

Supper Club

Partnering with HART as Lead Event and Programme Partner, Supper Club (9/F and 11/F at H Queen's) will bring an alternative art event showcasing a curated selection of artworks and experimental performances from galleries across the globe, including PALAS (Sydney), BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY (Bangkok), Sultana (Paris), BROWNIE Project (Shanghai), The Drawing Room (Manila), CYLINDER (Seoul), and more. Co-founded by three Hong Kong gallerists, the second edition of Supper Club will take place across two floors in H Queens, with the aim to disrupt the conventional art fair paradigm through an open-plan exhibition format, providing an intimate social space for gathering and discovering emerging artists.

攜手首席活動及項目合作夥伴 HART,藝匯(H Queen's 9/F 和 11/F)將於 H Queen’s 內舉辦有別於傳統形式的藝術活動,呈現來自全球畫廊的藝術作品和實驗性表演,參與畫廊包括PALAS(悉尼)、BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY(曼谷)、Sultana(巴黎)、BROWNIE Project(上海)、The Drawing Room(馬尼拉)、CYLINDER(首爾)等。藝匯由三位香港畫廊主發起,第二屆展覽將橫跨兩層的空間,旨在通過開放式佈局打破傳統藝博會的模式,提供一個拓展網絡和發掘新銳藝術家的平台。於討論內容,參加者將會創作標語和街招,並在巴塞爾藝術展香港展會展出。


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【i(n)s(pace) :___】Artist Event - Lawman ( Elite Art Coaching Workshop of Money-Worship Supremacy ) | 藝術家活動 - 羅文樂(銅臭至上藝術名師補習班)
to Mar 16

【i(n)s(pace) :___】Artist Event - Lawman ( Elite Art Coaching Workshop of Money-Worship Supremacy ) | 藝術家活動 - 羅文樂(銅臭至上藝術名師補習班)

Aimed to raise fund for the ‘This is proper panda' performance in the coming Art Basel, this workshop will give tutorial to fresh artists, fresh graduated artists, or graduated year art students, to develop their art project. This workshop will discuss possible art practice which can fulfil the ‘money-come-first, art-come-second' contemporary art scene. Based on the discussion, participants would make slogans and street bills which going to display in the coming Art Basel Hong Kong.

工作坊旨在為即將在巴塞爾藝術香港展會舉行的「This is proper panda 」表演籌集資金。我們將為新晉藝術家、藝術系應屆畢業生或在讀學生提供指導,協助他們籌備藝術項目。參加者將探討符合當代藝術界「以錢為先,藝術為次」風氣的藝術實踐。基於討論內容,參加者將會創作標語和街招,並在巴塞爾藝術展香港展會展出。


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Tse Chun Sing Solo Exhibition ‘Foolproof planting’ | 謝俊昇個人展覽《種花得花》
to Mar 9

Tse Chun Sing Solo Exhibition ‘Foolproof planting’ | 謝俊昇個人展覽《種花得花》

Tse Chun Sing's solo exhibition ‘Foolproof planting’ will be held from 15 February to 9 March 2025 at HART Haus G/F, Kennedy Town Art Space. The exhibition consists of a series of kinetic works and video installations, in which virtual images and imaginary plants are assembled to form a completely artificial garden. The artist observes the relationship between himself and the plants with his creations, and uses the electronic plants to look back on his own state of being, thus unpacking the tension and disparity between his desire for control, his sense of security, and his sense of powerlessness.

謝俊昇個人展覽《種花得花》將於2025年2月15日至3月10日,在堅尼地城藝術空間 HART Haus 地下舉行,展覽由一系列機動作品及影像裝置組成,透過虛擬影像及假想植物堆砌成一個完全人工的花園,藝術家以創作觀照自己與植物之間的關係,借電子植物回顧自己的個人狀態,從中拆解他對控制慾、安全感及無力感之間的拉扯和落差。


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YWCA 《社區營造展覽》
to Feb 9

YWCA 《社區營造展覽》




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HART Visiting Artist-in-Residence 藝術家駐留計劃 - Bunny Cadag
to Feb 23

HART Visiting Artist-in-Residence 藝術家駐留計劃 - Bunny Cadag

We are delighted to share that Bunny Cadag, the final artist presenting live work for the exhibition ‘The Embrace and the Passage’, is hosted by HART for an artist residency in collaboration with Para Site.

During her residency, Cadag will conduct field research, including community engagement and workshops, to enrich her practice in pre- and postcolonial gender plurality, singing rituals, and healing. Often participatory and community-based, her work amplifies marginalised voices while navigating forms and spaces with empathy and generosity.

Join us this February for a series of programmes leading up to the exhibition closing—stay tuned for details and registration! 

Para Site展覽「棲與渡」中最後一位呈現行為作品的藝術家 Bunny Cadag 將參與 HART 的合作駐留。




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Art & Flow with Techno Tai Chi by NOOCI x HART
2:00 PM14:00

Art & Flow with Techno Tai Chi by NOOCI x HART


Join us for an immersive experience with Techno Tai Chi by NOOCI, co-organised with not-for-profit art organisation HART. This unique collaboration harmonizes traditional practices with modern soundscapes, guiding you through flowing movements inspired by Taoist Breathwork to help mobilize your energy (Qi). Surrounded by the art-making environment at HART Haus, the workshop helps to find your center and connect your mind with your body. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a curious newcomer, Techno Tai Chi promises to awaken your senses and elevate your spirit!


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Artist-Led Workshop: Acrylic Adventures 藝術家工作坊:塑膠彩體驗 (Hosted by 主持 Merryn Trevethan)
2:00 PM14:00

Artist-Led Workshop: Acrylic Adventures 藝術家工作坊:塑膠彩體驗 (Hosted by 主持 Merryn Trevethan)

Join HART Studio artist and certified Golden Artist Educator, Merryn Trevethan, for a comprehensive and hands-on introduction to acrylic paints and mediums. 

與 HART 匯舍藝術家暨 Golden 藝術家教育家 Merryn Trevethan 一起體驗塑膠彩和調合劑的無限可能!


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Wilsonkaki SS25 Showroom
to Nov 10

Wilsonkaki SS25 Showroom

Wilsonkaki proudly presents Collection 006 "Teeth of The Sea", a captivating exploration of coastal life through fashion. This collection delves into the complex relationship between humanity and the vast oceans, offering a unique interpretation of an alternative utopia tinged with mystery and suspense. "Teeth of The Sea" artfully captures the ocean's multifaceted character - a source of both joy and danger, beauty and isolation. Wilsonkaki invites wearers to embrace life's unpredictability, much like the ever-changing moods of the sea.


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“Open House Hong Kong” Architecture Festival《打開香港》
to Sep 29

“Open House Hong Kong” Architecture Festival《打開香港》

  • Hong Kong SAR China (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The inaugural edition of Open House Hong Kong is slated to be held on the weekends of 21–22 and 28–29 September 2024! In partnership with the Design Trust, the Festival will showcase around 50 sites and buildings around Hong Kong, highlighting the remarkable cultural and architectural diversity of the city. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore a range of architectural styles, from vernacular architecture and nineteenth-century colonial buildings to cutting-edge designs by local and international “starchitects”.

首屆《打開香港》由信言設計大使 Design Trust 全力支持,活動將於2024年9月21至22日和28至29日兩個周末舉行 。團隊誠邀大家遊走於香港的山海與街巷之間,探索50多座地標建築,感受非凡的城市文化與工藝 。活動中的精選地標涵蓋不同的建築風格,包括鄉土建築、殖民時期建築、星級國際建築大師及本地年輕建築師的前衛設計等等。

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Artist-Led Workshop: Image Transfer 藝術家工作坊:影象移印 (Hosted by 主持 Merryn Trevethan)
2:00 PM14:00

Artist-Led Workshop: Image Transfer 藝術家工作坊:影象移印 (Hosted by 主持 Merryn Trevethan)

Join our hands-on Image Transfer workshop with our HART Studio artist Merryn Trevethan, a trained Golden Artist Educator, to learn image transfer techniques to incorporate your own photos, drawings, and archival material into your artworks. 

與 HART 匯舍藝術家暨 Golden 藝術家教育家 Merryn Trevethan 一起體驗影像轉移的可能!


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Artist-Led Workshop: Acrylic Adventures 藝術家工作坊:塑膠彩體驗 (Hosted by 主持 Merryn Trevethan)
2:00 PM14:00

Artist-Led Workshop: Acrylic Adventures 藝術家工作坊:塑膠彩體驗 (Hosted by 主持 Merryn Trevethan)

Join HART Studio artist and certified Golden Artist Educator, Merryn Trevethan, for a comprehensive and hands-on introduction to acrylic paints and mediums. 

與 HART 匯舍藝術家暨 Golden 藝術家教育家 Merryn Trevethan 一起體驗塑膠彩和調合劑的無限可能!


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Open Call 公開招募: “AUDITORY AWAKENING”— field recording workshops with artist AK「聽覺覺醒」田野錄音工作坊 (由藝術家AK帶領)
to May 18

Open Call 公開招募: “AUDITORY AWAKENING”— field recording workshops with artist AK「聽覺覺醒」田野錄音工作坊 (由藝術家AK帶領)


Have you ever thought of sounds could hide? Between the woods, there are layers of sounds that go unnoticed by human ears, orchestrating in their ways. In a series of four workshops, artist AK will lead us on an auditory-enlightening journey, delving into the mystical worlds of sound along the curated hiking routes in Hong Kong. With an introduction to the principles of field recording, sound theories, and editing techniques, you will be guided to create a unique work of sound. Your work will have a chance to debut in ‘Nature: A perception’ exhibition, opening in HART Haus in June.

Join us in discovering the hidden melodies of your bespoken world. 


你有想過聲音會被隱藏嗎?在山林之間,各種聲音此起彼落,亦常躲過人類的耳朵。 在為期四堂的聲音工作坊,藝術家AK 將引導我們開啟聽覺感官,帶領大家到特選的行山路徑進行田野錄音,探索隱藏在環境中的聲音世界。AK將分享田野錄音的基本理論,聲音基礎理論及剪輯技巧,和大家將收集到的聲音素材轉化成藝術作品。你所製作的作品亦有機會於六月在HART Haus 舉行的「自然非自然」展覽中展出。


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'Book Lab' co-presented by HART and WMA 「書籍實驗所」由WMA 與 HART 聯合籌劃
to Dec 4

'Book Lab' co-presented by HART and WMA 「書籍實驗所」由WMA 與 HART 聯合籌劃

Co-presented by WMA and HART, the ‘Book Lab’ is a new initiative focused on artists’ books. Spotlighting design thinking, materiality, printing and reading experiences, 'Book Lab' intends to stretch established sequencing-driven models for generating books, to the process of conceptualisation and format design. ‘Book Lab’ includes two full-day seminars and a five-day book making workshop. A group of local and international designers, publishers, and book makers will demonstrate how books transform from paper that simply carries knowledge to a collection of artists’ thoughts and actions. A book can be used as a contemporary creative medium not only for reading but also for looking at, touching, and even experiencing.

由WMA 與 HART 聯合籌劃的「書籍實驗所」是一個以藝術家書籍為核心的全新計劃。計劃以設計思維、物料材質、印刷製作以及閱讀經驗為主導,突破傳統以敍事結構來編制書籍的模式。整個計劃包括兩場專題討論會,以及一個為期五日的書籍製作工作坊。一眾本地與海外的設計師、出版社、書籍製作者將透過他們的分享,展示書籍如何由單純承載知識的紙本,轉化成一種結合藝術家的想法和行為,可以不單被閱讀,而是被凝視、觸碰、甚至經驗的一種當代創作媒介。

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“Artflow” with Boroka Kopacz
7:00 PM19:00

“Artflow” with Boroka Kopacz

‘Artflow’ is an expressive art workshop where we check in and create art from the soul. Artflow bases on Boroka's personal artistic process and offers a safe space for facilitated self expression in a community setting. Discover and embrace yourself at this special artflow class this summer at HART Haus! See and be seen like rarely before. No previous experience needed, only openness to explore.

Artflow 是一個富有表現力的藝術工作室,我們會以心靈來創作藝術。Boroka 的 artflow 理念,透過個人藝術創作過程在社區環境中培育自我表達,以前所未有的方式看到和被看到。參加今年夏天 HART Haus 舉辦的特別藝術流課程,探索及擁抱自己。參加者無需相關經驗,只需具有探索精神。


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Haus Warming - BODW CityProg 設計營商周城區活動 2021 x HART Haus
to Dec 18

Haus Warming - BODW CityProg 設計營商周城區活動 2021 x HART Haus

Located in Kennedy Town, HART Haus is a studio for creative talents which has transformed a former factory floor into a modern ‘arthouse’ in the heart of the western district community. HART Haus provides a favourable environment for artistic exchange, experimentation and innovation through a variety of different programmes.

As the anchor site of Kennedy Town - a new map unlocked for the very first time in BODW, HART Haus welcomes you to Haus Warming, a series of arts and cultural events which include local community exploration, art workshops, performances, talks and the signature showcase of latest works created by HART Haus artists. Come visit the vibrant artistic community in Kennedy Town this November and December!

坐落於堅尼地城,HART Haus是由舊式工廈改建而成的創意人才工作室。透過一系列不同的活動,HART Haus 為藝術家交流、實驗及引導創新提供適宜的環境。

作為這年 BODW 解鎖的全新地圖 — 堅尼地城的主要伙伴場地,HART Haus 歡迎你來參加 Haus Warming: 一系列豐富的藝文活動,包括本地社區探索、藝術工作坊、表演、講座,並最經典的 HART Haus 藝術家作品展。約定你在今年十一、十二月,一同發掘堅尼地城充滿活力的藝術社群!


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THE DEW 2.0 - Nature 自然 | Forest Therapy Walk - Awaken Your Senses 森林浴 - 喚醒感觀
1:30 PM13:30

THE DEW 2.0 - Nature 自然 | Forest Therapy Walk - Awaken Your Senses 森林浴 - 喚醒感觀

This forest therapy guided walk will take participants slowly and intentionally through nature in the Lung Fu Shan Country Park. You will be led by your guide through a series of invitations that help you slow down, connect to your senses and open your heart. You will gain a deeper connection to nature, yourself and others.

The trail is very accessible with well-paved path. Our time will be spent mainly under the canopy of the forest, and the walk will last for around 2-2.5 hours.

森林浴嚮導將帶領參加者走進龍虎山郊野公園,放慢腳步、喚醒感官、用五感感受森林。透過小提示, 大家將一起自由探索。藉此幫助大家敞開心,與自己和大自然建立更深的聯結。

路線簡單輕鬆,2-2.5 小時內慢行不超過兩公里,路線一半在林蔭下。



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HART Hub#10 | The Discovery of A Secret Language 秘密語言
12:00 PM12:00

HART Hub#10 | The Discovery of A Secret Language 秘密語言

In the workshop “The Discovery of A Secret Language”, Mexican artist Ane Alfeiran will invite the participants to resonate with the secret language of embroidery works in history, to allow the participants to explore embroidering lines, patterns, or even text, to create your own secret languages. In the full day workshop, the artist will tutor several basic embroidering techniques, participants will then embroider on a canvas, to hide their own resilient secret message in their creation. In the later session of the workshop the artist will guide the participants to collaborate and deliver their own secret messages, at the end to sublimate the art pieces through creation, erasure, and replication. The embroidery pieces from the participants will be eventually stitched into a giant collaborative work, and the aesthetics of embroidery will be presented.

The collaborative outcome of the workshop will be presented to the public in the HART Social Studio showcase in the end of the year.

在《秘密語言》工作坊中,墨西哥藝術家 Ane Alfeiran 將向大家介紹和追溯歷史刺繡作品上的暗語,繼而帶領參加者探索如何透過刺繡線條、圖案,甚至文字,製作屬於自己的秘密語言。在全日的工作坊中,藝術家會先教授基本的刺繡技巧,讓參加者在畫布上刺繡,將自己柔韌的暗語隱藏於創作中。工作坊的環節將引導參加者合作互相寄託暗語,透過創造、消除、複製等方式,轉化及昇華刺繡作品。最終參與者的刺繡將匯集縫拼成一幅大型合作作品,並展示刺繡的美學意義。



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THE DEW 2.0 - Voice & Chi 聲音與氣 | Revitalisation of Body, Mind and Soul - A Combination of Voice and Chi 活化身心靈:聲音與氣的結合
10:00 AM10:00

THE DEW 2.0 - Voice & Chi 聲音與氣 | Revitalisation of Body, Mind and Soul - A Combination of Voice and Chi 活化身心靈:聲音與氣的結合

Activate your body's self-healing ability through resonance of one's voice; adjust the status of your body and mind through personal chi and energy flow.

With guidance and demonstration, participants can learn to develop healthier body and mind, and better unleash their potentials through simple yet practical methods, in line with the use of voice and chi. This workshop will consist of two parts: the first part will focus on 'voice' - using human voices and instruments to understand the coordination of one's body and tone, discover self-healing power of frequency, and the potentials of chanting. The second part will focus on 'chi' - the development of one's sense of chi, the healing power of collective energy flow and the combination of voice and chi.




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1:30 PM13:30


We all keep old or damaged clothes in the closet in the hope to wear them again someday or because they bring up special memories. The workshop “THE MEMORY MAKER” invites you to celebrate these memories and refashion your pieces of clothes stuck in the closet with embroidery.

You are to bring a memorable picture of yours, to be translated into a computer language through a programme devised by the artists, to become the embroidery patterns of your unique artwork. You will then be taught an traditional Japanese embroidery technique, “sashiko”, to transfer the generated pattern on your old clothes.

The workshop is led by Noémie Clavier, a multi-disciplinary artist; and Yasmina Viale-Fraine, a fashion designer. The participants will explore how embroidery is not only a technique, but also a craft, a mindfulness practice, and an art practice to channel your precious memories and emotions.

我們都將舊或破損的衣服放在衣櫃裡,希望有一天再穿一次,或是因為它們帶來了特殊的回憶。 工作坊《MEMORY MAKER》邀請您慶祝這些回憶,重塑你長駐衣櫃裡的布料。


工作坊將由兩位法國藝術家帶領:Noémie Clavier是一位多媒介藝術家;而Yasmina Viale-Fraine是一位時裝設計師。參加者將發現刺繡不單是一個技巧,還是一門工藝、正念練習,和一個可以連繫你珍貴回憶和感情的藝術創作。


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THE DEW 2.0 - Sound, Body & Mind 聲音與身心 | MINDFULNESS x IMPROV
11:30 AM11:30

THE DEW 2.0 - Sound, Body & Mind 聲音與身心 | MINDFULNESS x IMPROV

In this experience, participants will learn more about mind/body mindfulness through sounds and movement, with improvisation to release and express - which is the key element and spirit of jazz , as well as liberation through expressions. Participants will understand more about relaxation and how to expand their body feeling through guided meditation and movement exercise.

在這次體驗中,參加者將透過聲音和動作了解身心正念,並即興練習釋放與抒發 —— 後者乃爵士樂的重要元素和精神,認識表達與解放。同時,參與者將學習放鬆,以及如何通過引導性冥想和動作練習來擴展自己的身體感覺。


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HART HUB #8 | The Archive and I
to Mar 27

HART HUB #8 | The Archive and I

The workshop “The Archive and I” aims to expand ideas around the archive, the limits, potential, and look at an archive as a departure point in one’s practice. The workshop is split into 2 sections, where an artist talk will cover contemporary modes of activating archives, including examples from contemporary artists and why they choose to use archives in the form of photographs, found film footage, and documents and texts to support their work. The latter part of the workshop will include a hands-on session with participants to build an archive as well as link the images from the collective pool of images into various self-driven narratives to make a body of work, to realize and construct possibilities from the archive itself. The workshop looks to view an archive as a means of not only preserving the past but also about modes of sharing the common.

工作坊《The Archive and I》希望拓展檔案(Archive)的概念、界限,以及潛能,並將檔案視為實踐的起點。工作坊分為兩部分,首先藝術家將分享檔案的現今應用模式,包括以當代藝術家為例,探討他們為何決定使用照片、尋獲片段、文件和文本等等的檔案來支持他們的作品。而工作坊的後半段中,參加者將動手建立檔案、以及連結集體的影像,創造自己的敍述和建立作品,全因檔案而得以實現。這個工作坊嘗試將檔案不只是看待成過往的紀錄,更是一種分享共同點的模式。


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Peer to Peer: UK/HK - Online Festival | Peer to Peer: UK/HK網上藝術節⁣
to Nov 14

Peer to Peer: UK/HK - Online Festival | Peer to Peer: UK/HK網上藝術節⁣

  • Google Calendar ICS

Inspiring visual arts exchange between UK and Hong Kong
𝟷𝟷 - 𝟷𝟺 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶

Registration is now open for the Peer to Peer: UK/HK Online Festival, an online platform for cultural exchange between the UK and Hong Kong’s Visual Arts sectors as they interrogate topical themes of our time including art & activism, art in the digital realm and the climate emergency. On the second day of the Festival (November 12, 9:15pm HKT), HART Director Jeannie Wu will be discussing with representatives from other participating organisations on art programming for placemaking and community building - stay tuned!⁣

The festival has announced its programme of public events and panel talks, alongside an online exhibition of digital artwork including existing artworks and 5 brand new commissions from artists based in the UK and Hong Kong.⁣

The Peer to Peer: UK/HK Online Festival will take place entirely online between 11-14 November 2020 on The festival is free and open to all. Register today online!


Peer to Peer: UK/ HK藝術節現已開始接受登記。這次項目為英國與香港視覺藝術及文化交流而設網上平台,一連串藝術節節目將探討當下最迫切Peer to Peer: UK/ HK藝術節現已開始接受登記。這次項目為英國與香港視覺藝術及文化交流而設網上平台,一連串藝術節節目將探討當下最迫切的時代主題: 包括藝術與行動主義、數碼領域的藝術以及氣候緊急狀態。HART Director胡津如於藝術展第二日(11月12日,香港時間晚上9時15分)將會與其他參與機構代表,進行有關地方營造和社區建設藝術策劃的討論,歡迎你一起來參與。⁣⁣

藝術節的公開活動及小組討論節目現已公布,並同期舉行一個網上數碼藝術展覽,展出來自英國及香港藝術家的現成作品和五件全新委託作品。 ⁣⁣⁣


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Peer to Peer: UK/HK - Digital Residency 網上平台駐場 | Shane Aspegren with The University of Salford Art Collection
to Nov 7

Peer to Peer: UK/HK - Digital Residency 網上平台駐場 | Shane Aspegren with The University of Salford Art Collection

HART is happy to announce the digital residency of Hausian Shane Aspegren (@shaneaspegren) with The University of Salford Art Collection (@uos_artcollection) starting today till 7th of November. ⁣⁣⁣

‘After spending the past few years navigating my various practices towards areas of the analog/physical, this year has been interesting in terms of the forced adaptation back towards the digital. I’ll be sharing some sounds, images, words, documentation, and links to some of the attempts to move online in these past months, as well as a few related projects from the past few years.’ - Shane Aspegren

Check out The University of Salford Art Collection Instagram page (@uos_artcollection) for Shane’s sharing in this week!⁣⁣

⁣⁣⁣For more information of Peer to Peer: UK/HK, please check out their website.

HART很高興宣佈Hausian Shane Aspegren (@shaneaspegren) 將由今天開始在The University of Salford Art Collection (@uos_artcollection) 的網上平台進行駐場。⁣⁣⁣

「經過過去幾年比較專注於物質上/相似物的探索,這一年創作的有趣之處,在於其強制性的回歸電子化。我將會分享一些聲音、影像、文字、紀錄、並連結,它們表現了近幾個月以來轉換網上化的一些嘗試。我亦會分享自己最近幾年相關的項目。」⁣⁣- Shane Aspegren⁣

請瀏覽The University of Salford Art Collection的Instagram專頁 (@uos_artcollection)了解更多有關Shane在這星期的分享⁣⁣。⁣

請密切留意我們發佈的更新,或登錄Peer to Peer: UK/HK網站了解更多資訊。⁣

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Peer to Peer: UK/HK - Digital Residency 網上平台進行駐場 | Wu Jiaru with Furtherfield 吳佳儒與Furtherfield
to Oct 29

Peer to Peer: UK/HK - Digital Residency 網上平台進行駐場 | Wu Jiaru with Furtherfield 吳佳儒與Furtherfield

  • Google Calendar ICS

HART is pleased to announce our participation in Peer to Peer: UK/HK - an inspiring arts exchange initiative between UK and Hong Kong.⁣

Peer to Peer: UK/HK is a programme designed to encourage meaningful cultural exchange and to forge enduring partnerships between the UK and Hong Kong's visual arts sectors.⁣ The programme launches publicly with an online festival of international exchange and collaboration on the 11-14 November, curated by independent curator Ying Kwok.

The Festival will include an online exhibition of digital artworks from UK and Hong Kong based artists, including 5 new commissions by artists nominated by UK and Hong Kong based partners. There will also be a series of digital residencies taking place across partner organisation's social media channels as well as a set of curated panel discussions.⁣

Hausian Wu Jiaru is starting her digital residency with Furtherfield (UK) from today till October 29. Stay tuned to the social media platforms of Furtherfield (Instagram) to see what Jiaru will share with worldwide audience in this program!

For more information of Peer to Peer: UK/HK, please check out their website.

HART 很高興能參予 Peer to Peer: UK/ HK —— 英國與香港之間的啟發性藝術交流計劃。⁣

Peer to Peer: UK/ HK​旨在鼓勵英國和香港視覺藝術領域之間有意義的文化交流,並建立持久的伙伴關係。⁣一系列活動將於11月11日至14日期間,隨獨立策展人郭瑛策劃的國際交流與合作的網上藝術節正式啟動。⁣


HART藝術家 (Hausian) 吳佳儒於今天起至十月二十九日將展開於Furtherfield (UK)之網上藝術家駐場活動。⁣歡迎密切留意Furtherfield的社交平台(Instagram),了解佳儒將為世界各地的藝術愛好者帶來的精彩分享。

請密切留意我們發佈的更新,或登錄Peer to Peer: UK/HK網站了解更多資訊。⁣

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In Dialogue with HART - Tap Chan | 與 HART 對話 — 陳沁昕
3:30 PM15:30

In Dialogue with HART - Tap Chan | 與 HART 對話 — 陳沁昕

On Materiality as a Contextual Framework of Art Making

In the lead up to and during Household Gods, the first exhibition resulting from HART Haus Social Studio, a series of conversations the curator and artists live-streamed from HART Haus and HART Hall, will offer behind-the-scenes access and insights. We have invited Tap Chan to share with us more about her artistic practice in the upcoming session on September 18 (Friday).

在HART Haus 匯舍計劃的駐港藝術家首個聯展《駐家寧神》開幕前並展期間,策展人與四位藝術家將會在 HART Haus 並 HART Hall 進行藝術家講座,分享幕後體驗與心得。屆時活動將會在一系列星期五的下午,於網上直播(開幕節目除外)。第三場講座將於九月十八日舉行,由藝術家陳沁昕分享及探討創作過程。


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In Dialogue with HART - Shane Aspegren | 與 HART 對話 — Shane Aspegren
3:30 PM15:30

In Dialogue with HART - Shane Aspegren | 與 HART 對話 — Shane Aspegren

On Frequencies, Perception and Matter

In the lead up to and during Household Gods, the first exhibition resulting from HART Haus Social Studio, a series of conversations the curator and artists live-streamed from HART Haus and HART Hall, will offer behind-the-scenes access and insights. We have invited Shane Aspegren to share with us more about his artistic practice in the upcoming session on September 4 (Friday).

在HART Haus 匯舍計劃的駐港藝術家首個聯展《駐家寧神》開幕前並展期間,策展人與四位藝術家將會在 HART Haus 並 HART Hall 進行藝術家講座,分享幕後體驗與心得。屆時活動將會在一系列星期五的下午,於網上直播(開幕節目除外)。第二場講座將於九月四日舉行,由藝術家 Shane Aspegren 分享及探討創作過程。


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In Dialogue with HART - Wu Jiaru | 與 HART 對話 — 吳佳儒
3:30 PM15:30

In Dialogue with HART - Wu Jiaru | 與 HART 對話 — 吳佳儒

Art Making, Stream-of-Consciousness and Practice

In the lead up to and during Household Gods, the first exhibition resulting from HART Haus Social Studio, a series of conversations the curator and artists live-streamed from HART Haus and HART Hall, will offer behind-the-scenes access and insights. Launching on Friday 28 August with a conversation with Wu Jiaru, the series will take place on selected Friday afternoons in the lead up to the exhibition (except for the Opening Programme).

在HART Haus 匯舍計劃的駐港藝術家首個聯展《駐家寧神》開幕前並展期間,策展人與四位藝術家將會在 HART Haus 並 HART Hall 進行藝術家講座,分享幕後體驗與心得。屆時活動將會在一系列星期五的下午,於網上直播(開幕節目除外)。第一場將率先於8月28日下午3時30分進行,由藝術家吳佳儒分享及探討創作過程。


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HART Hub #7 | HKU MBA x HART x Perfume Trees Gins: Leadership and Arts join in Spirits
7:00 PM19:00

HART Hub #7 | HKU MBA x HART x Perfume Trees Gins: Leadership and Arts join in Spirits

The first HART Hub in 2020 was a social mixer with HKU MBA, Perfume Trees Gin and our Hausians. It was an inspiring Monday night of insights on arts and business, and the flowery scent of the gin!We believe the event has been an opportunities for the participants of different industries, especially arts and business, to learn more about each others' practice and hence reinforce their own.

The programme was an exclusive event.


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we [ breathe ] in the space between | HART Haus x Central Saint Martins
7:00 PM19:00

we [ breathe ] in the space between | HART Haus x Central Saint Martins

This networking event and international conversation between Central Saint Martins (London) and HART Haus explored we [ breathe ] in the space between, an exhibition curated by MA Culture, Criticism and Curation students from Central Saint Martins. The exhibition presented new and recent works by 12 London and Hong Kong based artists responding to issues of in-betweenness, modernity, and urbanity.


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Transcultural Collaboration | Bonds & Ties Performance
7:00 PM19:00

Transcultural Collaboration | Bonds & Ties Performance

An evening of experimental performances was held on 4th October 2019 (Friday), 7:00pm – 9pm at HART Haus. 27 young international artists and designers from the Transcultural Collaboration programme improvised in live with sounds and visuals. The performances were the results of a one-week CoLab workshop facilitated by guest artists Andreas Siagian (ID) and Simon Dietersdorfer (AU).


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PLAY LOOP - An interactive sound and light installation
to Sep 28

PLAY LOOP - An interactive sound and light installation

  • Google Calendar ICS

Known by mainstream audiences worldwide for her colourful artworks and global brand collaborations including – NIKE and Victoria’s Secret, mixed-media artist Natalie Wong presented her first large-scale installation work - “PLAYLOOP”. Wong’s latest work was an interactive sound and light installation created using over one thousand light-emitting diodes and motion-activated sensors. “PLAYLOOP” allowed participants to physically create distinct sounds using multiple audio loops in an interactive soundscape.


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