Broken Garden
Amy Maria Tong x Sharu Binnong Sikdar
December 11, 2020 - February 8, 2021
Front window, HQ Hall
Broken Garden is a collaborative installation that combines the practices of artists Amy Maria Tong and Sharu Binnong Sikdar. Through the exploration of deconstruction and reconstruction of daily objects, a surreal garden setting is fabricated. The installation suggests an idea of distorted forms in a dream-like setting, as they sit on a bed of man-made moss. With strips of delicate fabrics draped around the sculptures, they lightly drift in a gentle breeze. Thus, it creates a sense of eeriness in contrast to the fast paced environment of people passing by.
The artists collected old clothes and laboriously shred, dyed, bundled, cut and tied them together, changing the value of clothes that once retained the identities of individuals, cast aside as their image and style changed. Daily objects such as chairs, tables and umbrellas are collected and morphed into distorted sculptures, an expression of self that shifts and flows into new beings.
Broken Garden 是藝術家 Amy Maria Tong 與 Sharu Binnong Sikdar 合力創作的裝置藝術,作品揉合了兩位藝術家的風格。透過探索日常物件的毀壞與再造,Tong 與 Sikdar 建構了一個超現實的庭園。在似夢非夢的境象中,裝置呈現一系列失真的形狀,座落在一片人造苔蘚之上。一縷縷纖柔的布絮垂簾,在雕塑四周隨風緩緩搖曳;與窗外人來人往的繁華,形成一種荒誕怪異的對比。
About the Artists
Amy Maria Tong
Amy Maria Tong is known for her abstract experimentation on possible scenarios. Her work is often a collage of idealised, multi-layered scenarios, expressing the emotional traces from her daily encounters with society. Treading around the realm of truth, rituals, and absurdities, Tong creates textured environments to explore the complexity of human emotions within surrealist settings.
Amy Maria Tong 擅長以抽象實驗手法探討充滿可能性的多種情境。她的作品經常拼貼理想化並多層次的境遇,描繪在社會中日常遭遇的情感踪跡。遊走於真實、儀式、和荒謬的邊界,Tong 於超現實的框架下創造了富質感的環境,探索人類情感的複雜性。
Sharu Binnong Sikdar
Sharu Binnong Sikdar is a Hong Kong born Indian Filipino. Sikdar’s artistic practice is repetitive and labour-intensive as she collects, assembles, deconstructs and reconstructs found objects. Sikdar utilizes natural materials such as branches, barks and leaves. She is currently exploring her hair as a medium, tapping into the relations between the body and nature, personal growth and the ephemeral.
Sharu Binnong Sikdar 生於香港,是印度和菲律賓藉藝術家。Sikdar 收集、組裝、解構及重組現成物,她的創作富重覆性及勞動密集性,並常運用天然物料如樹枝、樹皮並樹葉。Sikdar 目前正在探索利用自身髮絲作為創作媒介,藉以發掘身體與自然、個人成長與轉瞬的關係。
Broken Garden
Old clothes, table, chairs, umbrellas, chiffon fabric, threads, wire, acrylic, spray paint
Dimensions variable, 2020
Broken Garden
尺寸可變, 2020

HAPPEN with HART is a project initiated by HART to present creativity and artistic talents in Hong Kong. The idea is to demonstrate a great diversity and variety of art in the city, especially found in HART communities.
Every talented presenter invited to engage in this project shares the same values and beliefs - in creativity, in collaborations and in the strength of communities. In the quest of art making, and the journey of discovery of their becoming, HART the initiative evolves with the creative souls.
We believe that each and every individual possesses knowledge and experience in aesthetics, and a glimpse of art can connect people. Each presentation of selected collaborative projects lasts for 3 weeks to a month, the creators realise their own concepts, subject matters and ideas by formulating and producing what you see at the window space of HQ Hall.
Through the diversity in mediums, contrasts of tradition and innovation, each showcase captures the creative talent that makes up our vibrant city, and is made meaningful by its encounter with you.
HAPPEN with HART 是一個由 HART 主導的計劃,呈獻香港的創意和藝術專才。計劃將展示由 HART 的社群實現,城巿中多元化的藝術。
我們為項目邀請和挑選的每個專才都與我們的價值和理念一致:相信創意、合作和社群的力量。在創造藝術、以及發掘自我的過程中,HART 將與創新的靈魂共同進步。
我們相信每個個體擁有美學的知識和經驗,糅合藝術即能接觸大眾。每個項目將獲個別受理,而獲選的項目將持續三週至一個月。創作者將透過組織和創造你在 HQ Hall 此刻所見,實現自己概念、主題和想法。
透過各式各樣的媒介,以及傳統與創新的相映對照,HAPPEN with HART 呈現了這個活力都市的創意,並因與你的邂逅成就了非凡的意義。
About HART
HART is a local arts initiative that promotes creativity and community values through connecting hands-on making, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Our journey began in 2018 with the establishment of HART Haus, our artist-in-studio programme, providing opportunities to evolve, nurture and realise projects for our Hausians.
HART Haus, located in Kennedy Town, is a platform for Hong Kong talents to work, experiment and evolve their practices in a social setting. Since our establishment, we have worked with over 60 artists, realised more than 50 programmes and workshops available to public. Through HAPPEN with HART, we bring the latest creations by artists to HQ Hall, so that you may join in our inspirational exchange.
HART 是一個本地藝術項目,透過結合實體創作、多元化合作,和知識分享,推廣創意及社區價值。自 2018 起,HART 成立了 HART Haus,並我們的藝術家工作室計劃《匯舍》,提供機會以培育、演化,及實踐舍員的計劃。
位於堅尼地城的 HART Haus 提供了平台,讓香港人才能在互相交流的情況下進行創作、實驗,並發展其實踐。自創立以來,我們已經與多於六十位藝術家合作,並實現了五十多個不同類型的活動項目和工作坊予大眾參與。透過 HAPPEN with HART,我們把藝術家的最新創作帶到 HQ Hall,希望你能加入我們啟發性的交流。
Past Collaborations
July 9 - August 2, 2020 - Afterglow | Sunstorm Studios x RidiculouSneakers
August 4 - September 10, 2020 - Dawn Chorus | Chui Pui-chee x Batten and Kamp
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#happenwithhart #harthongkong #hqueens
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@harthongkong @hqueenshk
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