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Workshop “The Discovery of a Secret Language”

(Please scroll down for Chinese version) Embroidery is not merely a handicraft exclusive to households, but an art medium which is often overlooked. Agnes Richter in the Victorian Era embroidered her struggles with repeated and elusive stitches on a jacket, indigenous women in Central America embroider patterns on their traditional garment “Huipil” to signify their cultural identity and history. Embroidery is remarkable for its aesthetic and flexibility, and therefore its extensive usage. Throughout history, humans have been using embroidery as a channel to present their identities, or even transmit secret languages. How could we use such intimate language as embroidery, to record, share, and reshape our emotions?

In the workshop “The Discovery of A Secret Language”, Mexican artist Ane Alfeiran will invite the participants to resonate with the secret language of embroidery works in history, to allow the participants to explore embroidering lines, patterns, or even text, to create your own secret languages. In the full day workshop, the artist will tutor several basic embroidering techniques, participants will then embroider on a canvas, to hide their own resilient secret message in their creation. In the later session of the workshop the artist will guide the participants to collaborate and deliver their own secret messages, at the end to sublimate the art pieces through creation, erasure, and replication. The embroidery pieces from the participants will be eventually stitched into a giant collaborative work, and the aesthetics of embroidery will be presented.

The collaborative outcome of the workshop will be presented to the public in the HART Social Studio showcase in the end of the year.

Event rundown


  1. Event briefing

  2. Tutoring of basic embroidering techniques

  3. Artist sharing - embroidery in history, cultures, and arts


  1. Short meditation

  2. Concept development for the artwork

  3. Creation of the embroidery piece

  4. Collaboration among participants

  5. Sharing session

Please see below for the event details.


刺繡絕非家事專屬的活計,更是一種常被忽略的藝術形式。維多利亞時期的 Agnes Richter 重疊隱晦的彩色繡線在外套上繡下掙扎,中美洲的原住民婦女會在傳統連身裙(Huipil)上縫製代表自己文化身份或歷史的圖樣。其實刺繡美觀而靈活,用途廣泛,是古今中外人們在布料上表徵身分、甚至傳達暗語的溝通媒介。我們又可以如何將刺繡作為私密的語言,紀錄、傳遞和重塑自己的情感?

在《秘密語言》工作坊中,墨西哥藝術家 Ane Alfeiran 將向大家介紹和追溯歷史刺繡作品上的暗語,繼而帶領參加者探索如何透過刺繡線條、圖案,甚至文字,製作屬於自己的秘密語言。在全日的工作坊中,藝術家會先教授基本的刺繡技巧,讓參加者在畫布上刺繡,將自己柔韌的暗語隱藏於創作中。工作坊的環節將引導參加者合作互相寄託暗語,透過創造、消除、複製等方式,轉化及昇華刺繡作品。最終參與者的刺繡將匯集縫拼成一幅大型合作作品,並展示刺繡的美學意義。




  1. 活動簡介

  2. 基本刺繡技巧教學

  3. 藝術家分享—歷史、文化、藝術中的刺繡


  1. 簡短冥想

  2. 作品構想

  3. 創作作品

  4. 參加者合作環節

  5. 分享環節


Event Details 節目詳情

Time 時間
12:00 - 16:00 (3 Hours with 1 hour break 三小時連一小時休息)

Date 日期
18/9/2021 (Saturday 星期六)

Pricing 價錢
Fees including participation fees, embroidery materials, canvas, paints, etc. 包括參加費以及刺繡用品、畫布、顏料等

Numbers of Participants 人數

Language 語言
English 英語

Location 地點
3/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building, 12P Smithfield Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

Artist Biography 藝術家簡介
Ane Alfeiran is a self-taught Mexican artist who, from a young age, found an escape in art and a forum in which to express her feelings, hopes and fears. As someone who continues to travel the globe, Ane draws on inspiration and technique from the different cities and cultures she has experienced. Ane takes us into the emotional world of each of her subjects, making each painting stand out with its own individual story. Through a deep personal connection present in her compositions, she aims to stimulate the viewer’s feelings and imagination and encourage them to create their own interpretation of what the art means to them.

Ane Alfeiran 是個自學成才的墨西哥裔藝術家,年輕時已發現從藝術中尋找到歸宿解放、表達到她的感受、希望與恐懼。她周遊列國,所體驗的種種不同文化啟發她現在繪畫採納轉化的技巧。畫中主題要角每每引人入勝、領導每個人進入其情感世界,每幅畫就能獨立講述一個故事。透過作品結構所表現的深層個人連繫,Ane 希望能激發觀眾情感和想像、鼓勵大家創造和演繹藝術的意義。