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【i(n)s(pace) :___】Artist Event - Lawman ( Elite Art Coaching Workshop of Money-Worship Supremacy ) | 藝術家活動 - 羅文樂(銅臭至上藝術名師補習班)

  • HART Haus 4/F Cheung Hing Industrial Building, 12P Smithfield Kennedy Town, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong SAR China (map)

Aimed to raise fund for the ‘This is proper panda' performance in the coming Art Basel, this workshop will give tutorial to fresh artists, fresh graduated artists, or graduated year art students, to develop their art project. This workshop will discuss possible art practice which can fulfil the ‘money-come-first, art-come-second' contemporary art scene. Based on the discussion, participants would make slogans and street bills which going to display in the coming Art Basel Hong Kong.

工作坊旨在為即將在巴塞爾藝術香港展會舉行的「This is proper panda 」表演籌集資金。我們將為新晉藝術家、藝術系應屆畢業生或在讀學生提供指導,協助他們籌備藝術項目。參加者將探討符合當代藝術界「以錢為先,藝術為次」風氣的藝術實踐。基於討論內容,參加者將會創作標語和街招,並在巴塞爾藝術展香港展會展出。

Details of the workshops 工作坊詳情

Date, Time and Venue 時間、日期及地點:
23.2.2025 (Sun 日) | 14:00 - 17:00 | 1a space
2.3.2025 (Sun 日) | 15:30 - 18:30 | 1a space
9.3.2025 (Sun 日) | 14:00 - 17:00 | HART Haus 4/F
6.3.2025 (Sun 日) | 14:00 - 17:00 | HART Haus 4/F

Fee 收費:
Standard Ticket 正價:HK$420
Concession Ticket 優惠:HK350

More Details 更多詳情:

Enquiry 查詢 / 25290087

Registration 報名

About the artist 關於藝術家

Venue and Promotion Support Partner 場地和宣傳支持機構:HART