Tse Chun Sing's solo exhibition ‘Foolproof planting’ will be held from 15 February to 9 March 2025 at HART Haus G/F, Kennedy Town Art Space. The exhibition consists of a series of kinetic works and video installations, in which virtual images and imaginary plants are assembled to form a completely artificial garden. The artist observes the relationship between himself and the plants with his creations, and uses the electronic plants to look back on his own state of being, thus unpacking the tension and disparity between his desire for control, his sense of security, and his sense of powerlessness.
When the artist looks back on his past planting experiences, most of them ended up in vain, the labour, patience and emotions invested in the process failed to yield the desired returns, but instead brought feelings of frustration and exhaustion. In recent years, there have been changes in the external environment and the artist's personal state of life, which are partly active choices and partly passive acceptance. These experiences have helped him to better understand his discomfort with the changes in his surroundings, as well as the tension between ‘attempt to control’ and ‘uncontrollable’.
The exhibition presents the artist's creation of a fully-controlled gardenscape, in which the repetitive play of the blossoming of Epiphyllum oxypetalum, time of flowering is no longer a flash in the pan. You are cordially invited to come and see the man-made paradise built by the artist.
謝俊昇個人展覽《種花得花》將於2025年2月15日至3月9日,在堅尼地城藝術空間HART Haus 地下舉行,展覽由一系列機動作品及影像裝置組成,透過虛擬影像及假想植物堆砌成一個完全人工的花園,藝術家以創作觀照自己與植物之間的關係,借電子植物回顧自己的個人狀態,從中拆解他對控制慾、安全感及無力感之間的拉扯和落差。
Press Release 新聞稿
Exhibition Details 展覽詳情
Opening Reception 展覽開幕
Date 日期:15.2.2025
Time 時間:18:00
General Visit 公眾參觀
Date 日期:15.2.2025 - 9.3.2025
Time 時間:12:00 - 19:00 (逢星期三至日)
Venue 地點:HART Haus G/F
Artist Talk 藝術家座談
Date 日期:15.2.2025
Time 時間:15:00
Venue 地點:HART Haus 3/F
RSVP 敬請預約
About the Artist 關於藝術家
Tse Chun Sing’ 謝俊昇
Tse Chun Sing’s art explores possibilities in the often unnoticed dailyobjects or events, and presents the intriguing relationships through installations. With a passion for sounds, he explores various sounds and presents his imaginations and discoveries in his artworks. He obtained a master degree from The Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2021. He held a solo, Out of Focus, at PMQ, Hong Kong in 2020. In 2020, he won the Media Arts Award of the FutureTense Awards 2020. Also, he was shortlisted for 23th and 24th ifva Awards Media Art Category in 2018 and 2019, and residency at Centre A, Vancouver in 2018.
謝俊昇的作品多探討日常生活中不以為然之事物的可能性,並以裝置呈現中間有趣的關係。他鍾情於發掘不同的聲音,表達其聯想以及聲音對他的意義。2021年於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院 視覺藝術碩士畢業。2020年, 在香港 PMQ 舉辦了“鬆郁矇”個展。2020年獲得未來時態 FutureTense Awards 2020 的媒體藝術獎。2018 及2019年入圍第二十三屆及第二十四屆ifva 獨立短片及影像媒體比賽媒體藝術組。2018年在溫哥華 Centre A 駐留。
About the Curator 關於策展人
Kobe Ko 高穎琳
Kobe Ko (b. 1992 in Hong Kong) is an independent curator and artist, formerly worked as Assistant Curator at Para Site(2021–2023) and Art Education and Gallery Coordinator at Tai Kwun Contemporary(2019–2021). She is also the co-founders of nomad nomad(2014–present). She has curated 'Cantando Bajito: Incantations' (Ford Foundation Gallery, New York, 2024), ‘Everyday life in Hong Kong and Fukuoka: The study of Contemporary Arts and Kougengaku’ (art space tetra, Fukuoka, 2023), ‘Post-Human Narratives’ series (Cattle Depot Artist Village and Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, Hong Kong, 2020–2022), Kong Chun Hei’s solo exhibition ‘PS’ (Para Site, Hong Kong, 2023), Florence Yuk-ki Lee’s solo exhibition ‘Broken heart pieces disco ball’ (MOU PROJECTS, Hong Kong, 2023), and ‘CHOW KAI CHIN’ Community Art Experimental Project (Kowloon City, Hong Kong, 2013 & 2014), among others. She graduated from the Department of Creative Arts and Culture of The Hong Kong University of Education, and received an MA in Gender Studies from Shih Hsin University in Taiwan.
高穎琳(1992年生於香港)是一位獨立策展人、藝術家,她曾擔任Para Site藝術空間的助理策展人(2021至2023)以及大館當代美術館的藝術教育及美術館統籌(2019至2021),亦是nomad nomad共同創辦人(2014至今)。她曾策劃 《Cantando Bajito: Incantations》(Ford Foundation Gallery,紐約,2024), 《香港與福岡的日常——當代藝術考現學》(art space tetra,福岡,2023),《後人類敘事》系列(牛棚藝術村及香港醫學博物館,香港,2020至2022),鄺鎮禧個展 《PS 備註》(Para Site,香港,2023),李鈺淇個展《碎心碎片迪斯可球》(MOU PROJECTS,香港,2023)以及《社區藝術實驗計劃——週街展》(九龍城街道,香港,2013及2014)等等。她畢業於香港教育大學創意藝術與文化學系,並在台灣世新大學獲得性別研究碩士學位。
Venue Partner 場地夥伴