𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭-𝐋𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩: 𝐀𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬
Introduction to acrylic gels, pastes, grounds and mediums
Hosted by 主持 Merryn Trevethan
Join HART Studio artist and certified Golden Artist Educator, Merryn Trevethan, for a comprehensive and hands-on introduction to acrylic paints and mediums.
Whether you are a passionate beginner or an artist exploring new mediums, this workshop offers an extensive experience in acrylic. Throughout the workshop, participants will discover innovative ways to utilize acrylics. Get acquainted with a wide range of paints, gels, pastes, and grounds, and explore their potential for creating different textural effects. Learn how to manipulate paint viscosity to create beautiful washes, glazes, and striking thick textures using pastes and gels. With endless possibilities for artistic expression, this workshop is designed to empower participants with the knowledge and skills to unlock the full potential of acrylic paints.
與 HART 匯舍藝術家暨 Golden 藝術家教育家 Merryn Trevethan 一起體驗塑膠彩和調合劑的無限可能!
無論你是初學者還是正在探索新媒介的藝術家,你都可以透過這個工作坊去了解更多有關運用塑膠彩的創新方法 。參與者將會在不同環節中去熟悉各種顏料、凝膠、糊劑和底料,探索它們多變的紋理效果 ,並了解如何透過控制顏料的黏度去製造不同厚度的紋理,展現無窮的可能性 。

Workshop includes 工作坊內容:
Try the different types of paints from Golden Artist colors for yourself; including Heavy Body, Fluids, High Flow, and So Flat
體驗 Golden Artist 的不同類型的顏料;包括 Heavy Body、Fluids、High Flow 和 So FlatLearn what to add to paint to create everything from watercolour effects to very thick textures
學習如何添加到成份至顏料中去創造水彩效果至非常厚的紋理的效果Try some alternative surfaces to paint on and have the chance to create your own textured ground with Crackle Paste
嘗試在不同的替代表面去進行繪畫,並有機會使用裂紋製作劑去創作屬於自己的紋理Discover the many textural effects you can create with Golden Pastes, Gels, Mediums
探索以 Golden 凝膠、漿糊和調合劑去創造多種紋理效果Try out Golden’s beautiful Iridescent colors
體驗 Golden 美麗的彩虹色顏料Experiment with paint pouring techniques using Gloss and Matt Pouring medium

Details of the workshops 工作坊詳情
Date 日期: 16.11.2024 (Sat 六)
Time 時間: 14:00-17:00
Location 地點: HART Haus 4/F
Fee 收費: HK$550 ($500 for students with valid ID 持有效學生證)
Register 報名: Email 電郵 merryntrevethan@gmail.com
The workshop is conducted in English 工作坊繼以英語進行
Suitable for participants aged 14 or above 適合 14 歲或以上人士參加
Fee includes all materials and equipment 費用包括所有工具和顏料
About the artist 關於藝術家