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HART Visiting Artist-in-Residence 藝術家駐留計劃 - Bunny Cadag
to Feb 23

HART Visiting Artist-in-Residence 藝術家駐留計劃 - Bunny Cadag

We are delighted to share that Bunny Cadag, the final artist presenting live work for the exhibition ‘The Embrace and the Passage’, is hosted by HART for an artist residency in collaboration with Para Site.

During her residency, Cadag will conduct field research, including community engagement and workshops, to enrich her practice in pre- and postcolonial gender plurality, singing rituals, and healing. Often participatory and community-based, her work amplifies marginalised voices while navigating forms and spaces with empathy and generosity.

Join us this February for a series of programmes leading up to the exhibition closing—stay tuned for details and registration! 

Para Site展覽「棲與渡」中最後一位呈現行為作品的藝術家 Bunny Cadag 將參與 HART 的合作駐留。




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HART Visiting Artist-in-Residence 藝術家駐留計劃 - Lesley-Anne Cao
to Dec 2

HART Visiting Artist-in-Residence 藝術家駐留計劃 - Lesley-Anne Cao

Lesley-Anne Cao (b.1992, Philippines) explores materiality, languages, and transformative processes through installation, sculpture, video, and text. Using intuitive methods and process-driven approaches, she prompts reflection on everyday life to uncover hidden social structures that shape our behaviors and the environment. She had her first solo exhibition at the Cultural Center of the Philippines in 2018, and it was shortlisted for the Fernando Zóbel Prize for Visual Art in 2019.

Upon Lesley’s previous international artist residences at Gasworks (2023) in London; Finland, and Taipei, we are delighted to welcome her to Hong Kong! On 1 December 2024, we will hear from the artist after her 3 weeks of stay, comprising exhibition-making at @blindspotgallery, conversations with curator(s), art practitioners, and HART artists, as well as various material studies across neighbourhoods of Hong Kong.


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'Book Lab' co-presented by HART and WMA 「書籍實驗所」由WMA 與 HART 聯合籌劃
to Dec 4

'Book Lab' co-presented by HART and WMA 「書籍實驗所」由WMA 與 HART 聯合籌劃

Co-presented by WMA and HART, the ‘Book Lab’ is a new initiative focused on artists’ books. Spotlighting design thinking, materiality, printing and reading experiences, 'Book Lab' intends to stretch established sequencing-driven models for generating books, to the process of conceptualisation and format design. ‘Book Lab’ includes two full-day seminars and a five-day book making workshop. A group of local and international designers, publishers, and book makers will demonstrate how books transform from paper that simply carries knowledge to a collection of artists’ thoughts and actions. A book can be used as a contemporary creative medium not only for reading but also for looking at, touching, and even experiencing.

由WMA 與 HART 聯合籌劃的「書籍實驗所」是一個以藝術家書籍為核心的全新計劃。計劃以設計思維、物料材質、印刷製作以及閱讀經驗為主導,突破傳統以敍事結構來編制書籍的模式。整個計劃包括兩場專題討論會,以及一個為期五日的書籍製作工作坊。一眾本地與海外的設計師、出版社、書籍製作者將透過他們的分享,展示書籍如何由單純承載知識的紙本,轉化成一種結合藝術家的想法和行為,可以不單被閱讀,而是被凝視、觸碰、甚至經驗的一種當代創作媒介。

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Tea, Juice, Bird York & Sharing Party 茶、果汁、鳥約 & 分享派對
3:00 PM15:00

Tea, Juice, Bird York & Sharing Party 茶、果汁、鳥約 & 分享派對

In 2022, the Asian Cultural Council supported Wu Jiaru the “New York Fellowship '', a 6-month exchange research in New York from January 2023. Wu’s exchange experience embarked a new perspective as a new immigrant, while seeking creative identity in the new era of the New Cold War, pandemics, and virtual reality 2.0 to expand her artistic practice and reflections.

Please join us on 9 September 2023 (Saturday) afternoon, as HART will host an artist sharing tea party. The event will be conducted in Cantonese, as Wu Jiaru shares anecdotes, experiences, and insights, from the development of her fellowship residing in New York. A screening of Wu’s latest video works handHeld_foreignLine_ii (2023) and movingImage_windowCollection_Pablo (2023) will also be arranged, followed by a Q&A discussion with the audience. Registration for seats now!

吳佳儒於2022年獲得亞洲文化協會「紐約獎助計劃」支持,於2023年1月前往紐約進行為期半年的駐地項目。交流期間吳以新移民的角度,於新冷戰、流行病及虛擬現實 2.0的語境下尋找其創作身份而展現的藝術實踐及反思。

HART 將於2023年9月9日(星期六)下午舉辦藝術家分享茶會,以廣東話進行。屆時吳佳儒將分享紐約駐留的趣聞以及當中創作的經驗與心得,並放映兩件最新錄像作品《handHeld_foreignLine_ii》(2023年) 及《movingImage_windowCollection_Pablo》(2023年),隨後與觀眾進行問答討論,歡迎報名留座。


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French May Arts Fest 2023: "Luminaria" by Gisèle Tchitchiama
to May 17

French May Arts Fest 2023: "Luminaria" by Gisèle Tchitchiama

Opening Reception: 5 May 2023 (Fri), 6–8:30pm
Artist Talk and Guided Tour: 6 May 2023 (Sat), 2-3:30pm

During the celebration of French May Arts Fest 2023, curated by HART artist-in-residence Merryn Trevethan, “Luminaria” is Gisèle Tchitchiama’s exhibition that frames a quest for illumination through encounters with light, fragility and the ephemeral. For Gisèle, her multiple identities - French, African, woman, wife, mother, daughter - are woven into her interrogations. Presence and absence are at the heart of her ongoing artistic conversation which takes the audience on a journey into inner and outer landscapes.

The exhibition was inspired by the colour, poetry and delicacy of an unexpected moment on a journey from France to Dover, England last summer, Gisèle captured in a blurry landscape photo. This image became the starting point for an artistic journey that incorporates many creative and meaningful collaborations.


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Multi-disciplinary Media Artist GayBird’s Music for 9 Exhibition 跨媒體藝術家梁基爵「九重奏」展覽
to May 27

Multi-disciplinary Media Artist GayBird’s Music for 9 Exhibition 跨媒體藝術家梁基爵「九重奏」展覽

  • Unit 1701, H Queen's (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Opening Reception 開幕酒會: 27.04.2023 (Thur 四), 18:00–20:00
Artist Talks 藝術家座談會: 07.05.2023, 13.05.2023

“Music for 9“ is part of the The Missing Link series. Curated by Multi-disciplinary Media Artist / HK Composer GayBird and Vanissa Law, The Missing Link consists of three Arts Tech exhibitions, an immersive performance, and a series of open lectures concerning the current issues in the use of technology in arts. By introducing two essential elements in music - timeliness and performative into art forms that have not yet existed, the two composers/curators wish to inspire new creations and to offer new dimensions to existing art forms. Through the creation of multimedia artworks, the artists would explore ways to deploy technology for the sake of storytelling.

《九重奏》展覽是由兩位跨媒體藝術家及作曲家梁基爵和羅穎綸策劃《連繫不明》展覽系列的延伸,靈感來自科技與音樂的應用,將「時間性」 (timeliness) 和「展演性」 (performative) 套用在不同媒體的藝術層面,輔以科技的運用,給予藝術形式一個新看法、新生命,從而啟發更多新的作品。《連繫不明》展覽系列計劃包括三個分別以聲音雕塑、動態裝置及虛擬現實裝置為題材的展覽,是一個時空扭曲的媒體演出以及六節免費的科技藝術公開課。他們都會從不同界別去透視時間性和展演性應用在其他藝術形式的可能性。


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“The Arcana Intelligent 萬試萬靈” A Work by Liao Jiaming 廖家明作品
to Apr 29

“The Arcana Intelligent 萬試萬靈” A Work by Liao Jiaming 廖家明作品

With the recent rapid advancements of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are led to imagine a near future through its domination. Commissioned by Videotage and supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council, The Arcana Intelligent (2023) concludes a 6-month research by artist Liao Jiaming. It creates an experience of “divination”, combining elements of various religion, meditation, occultism, and ritual, that employs AI algorithms developed from different eras. It is an attempt to subvert current relationships between human users and computational algorithms in most AI applications. The art of divination may not simply be interpreted by the omniscient, it provides access to the inquirer’s subconscious. AI becomes a conjugate of scientific and spiritual medium, and therefore positioned beyond the divine and secular.

*The meaning of “Arcana” comes from the terms “major arcana” and “minor arcana” in tarot card reading. Arcana is the mystery sought by the alchemists of the Middle Ages, and the principle of the world.

From 11 to 29 April 2023, you will be able to experience this unique divination powered by AI at 9/F H Queen’s, alongside HART’s exhibition “Postmodern Tales”.

近期人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)急速發展,引領我們持著AI主導來想像未來快將來到。由Videotage委託和香港藝術發展局資助,《萬試萬靈》(2023年)是藝術家廖家明六個月的研究成果。作品創造了一種集合宗教、冥想、神秘主義和儀式等元素的「占卜」體驗。該作品綜合採用不同時代開發的AI算法,試圖顛覆目前大多數AI應用中人類使用者和電腦算法之間的關係。占卜的魅力也許不是可以得到全知者的提點,而是得以通往問卜者自身的潛意識。AI在此成為科學和精神媒介的結合體,因而也被置於神性和世俗之外。

*英文作品標題之「arcana」來自塔羅牌占卜中的「大秘儀 major arcana」和「小秘儀 minor arcana」。Arcana為中古世紀煉金術師所追尋的奧秘,天地萬物運行的道理。

在2023年4月11至29日期間,你可在H Queen’s 九樓「後現代小傳」展覽中體驗AI占卜。


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Comics and Animation: from the studio to publishing 動漫藝術:從工作室到出版
3:30 PM15:30

Comics and Animation: from the studio to publishing 動漫藝術:從工作室到出版

As the second chapter of “Postmodern Tales”, our exhibition presents a reading corner where visitors can lay their hands on artists-made publications , exploring the multi-facets of contemporary art practices through printed zines, art books, comics and photobooks.

Extending our discussion on artists’ publications, we have invited two artists – Eunice Lai and Florence Lee to come share with us their journeys in comics and animation creation. Both born in Hong Kong, Lai uses different mediums including comics, illustrations and paintings to explore her own mystical world; while Lee discovers ideas from daily encounters and connects them with her cultural identities through the means of animation. In this talk, we will take a dive into the artists’ art-making process, exploring the creation of comics, illustrations and animations. The artists will also share about their experience in printing and publishing in Hong Kong, as well as participating in different overseas fairs and festivals.

Comics and Animation: from the studio to publishing
Speakers: Eunice Lai and Florence Lee
8 April 2023 (Sat), 3:30–4:30pm
Location: 9/F, H Queen’s



地點:9/F, H Queen’s


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Book Sharing - NEW TERRITORIES 界 by Justin Hui
2:30 PM14:30

Book Sharing - NEW TERRITORIES 界 by Justin Hui

Artist and architect Justin Hui will be sharing his new photobook “New Territories”, published by Asia One. The series of images from the title explores the changing landscape of Hong Kong's northern frontier, caught between its past and ongoing integration with mainland China. It is a journey across the ruins of fading memories of what once was to discover the meaning of home in a city that is ever changing. 


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Haus Warming - BODW CityProg 設計營商周城區活動 2021 x HART Haus
to Dec 18

Haus Warming - BODW CityProg 設計營商周城區活動 2021 x HART Haus

Located in Kennedy Town, HART Haus is a studio for creative talents which has transformed a former factory floor into a modern ‘arthouse’ in the heart of the western district community. HART Haus provides a favourable environment for artistic exchange, experimentation and innovation through a variety of different programmes.

As the anchor site of Kennedy Town - a new map unlocked for the very first time in BODW, HART Haus welcomes you to Haus Warming, a series of arts and cultural events which include local community exploration, art workshops, performances, talks and the signature showcase of latest works created by HART Haus artists. Come visit the vibrant artistic community in Kennedy Town this November and December!

坐落於堅尼地城,HART Haus是由舊式工廈改建而成的創意人才工作室。透過一系列不同的活動,HART Haus 為藝術家交流、實驗及引導創新提供適宜的環境。

作為這年 BODW 解鎖的全新地圖 — 堅尼地城的主要伙伴場地,HART Haus 歡迎你來參加 Haus Warming: 一系列豐富的藝文活動,包括本地社區探索、藝術工作坊、表演、講座,並最經典的 HART Haus 藝術家作品展。約定你在今年十一、十二月,一同發掘堅尼地城充滿活力的藝術社群!


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HART x HKAS | Sharing Session - Approaches to the Archive: Three Perspectives
7:00 PM19:00

HART x HKAS | Sharing Session - Approaches to the Archive: Three Perspectives

HART and Hong Kong Archives Society proudly presents - ‘Approaches to the Archive: Three Perspectives’, a sharing session to examine different approaches to manage, use and work with archives across various sectors.

We have the pleasure to be able to invite three professionals to share their experience with us: Sjoerd Hoekstra from Design For Culture Limited, Angharad McCarrick from M+ Museum, and Jenny Yu from HSBC Archives. Spanning from the creative and design sector, to art and cultural institutions, as well as international commercial and financial companies, how are the designs, functionalities and maintenance of their archives different? Why do we need these archives, and how can this bring insights to the management of data and records in our daily lives?


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“Together We March Forward: New Asia 70th Anniversary Art Exhibition” Exhibition and Happenings |《結隊向前行:新亞七十藝術展》展覽、專題講座及導賞團
to Jun 17

“Together We March Forward: New Asia 70th Anniversary Art Exhibition” Exhibition and Happenings |《結隊向前行:新亞七十藝術展》展覽、專題講座及導賞團

From the coming Friday to next Monday, H Queen’s and HART delightfully partners with New Asia College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to celebrate their 70th Anniversary! More than seven decades of nurturing artists in Hong Kong, ‘Together We March Forward: New Asia 70th Anniversary Art Exhibition’ will be held at HART Hall to display artworks by over 30 alumni artists. Art enthusiast and public are strongly encouraged to join the event, as a series of talks,workshops and guided tours will also be held to echo with New Asia College’s tradition to pass on the culture to the next generation.

Date: 14 - 17 June 2019 (Fri to Mon)

Free admission

Location: HART Hall, G/F, H Queen’s, 80 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong

十年樹木,百年樹人,中文大學新亞書院作育英才已七十載。新亞書院校友會主辦的「結隊向前行:新亞七十藝術展」將由今個週五開始,一連四日在場地夥伴 H Queen’s - HART Hall 舉行,與外界一同慶祝新亞為香港藝術界作育英才的豐碩成果。是次藝術展將展出逾30位新亞書院老師及畢業校友之作品,當中包括多位書法水墨名家及本地著名當代藝術家。展覽期間會舉辦專題講座:《香港當代藝術的收藏與欣賞》,帶大家深入淺出認識香港當代藝術。除此之外,一連串的《小小藝術家工作坊》、《藝術家工作室體驗》及《導賞團及「走進藝術家世界」分享會》更是大小朋友一同走進藝術世界的好機會,由一眾新亞校友、著名當代藝術家均即席示範及親授繪畫技巧,並參觀藝術家工作室,一睹藝術家的創作空間。



地點:香港中環皇后大道中 80 號 H Queen’s 地面 HART Hall

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“Hong Kong Fine Print” Art Fair Themed Talks and Demonstrations |《Hong Kong Fine Print》專題講座及示範
to May 19

“Hong Kong Fine Print” Art Fair Themed Talks and Demonstrations |《Hong Kong Fine Print》專題講座及示範

  • Google Calendar ICS

Organised by Hong Kong Open Printshop (HKOP), the inaugural “Hong Kong Fine Print” print fair and exhibition will take place from 17 to 19 May at HART Hall in H Queen’s, showcasing exceptional graphic artworks featuring 30 artists and original prints. Visitors can attend an array of themed talks and demonstrations; art consultant and conversator will share the value of collecting prints and methods of preserving works of art on paper.

Free admission

Location: HART Hall, G/F, H Queen’s, 80 Queen’s Road Central,

《Hong Kong Fine Print》由香港版畫工作室策劃,是首個致力推廣版畫圖像藝術的博覽展,展覽將在 2019 年 5 月 17 至 19 日於場地夥伴 H Queen’s - HART Hall 舉行,展出三十位藝術家,共六十件版畫圖像藝術作品。展覽期間亦舉辦專題講座及示範,與觀眾、收藏家分享版畫圖像藝術種類、其收藏價值及紙本藝術的保存方法等。


地點:香港中環皇后大道中 80 號 H Queen’s 地面 HART Hall

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