Filtering by: H Queen's
Supper Club
to Mar 30

Supper Club

Partnering with HART as Lead Event and Programme Partner, Supper Club (9/F and 11/F at H Queen's) will bring an alternative art event showcasing a curated selection of artworks and experimental performances from galleries across the globe, including PALAS (Sydney), BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY (Bangkok), Sultana (Paris), BROWNIE Project (Shanghai), The Drawing Room (Manila), CYLINDER (Seoul), and more. Co-founded by three Hong Kong gallerists, the second edition of Supper Club will take place across two floors in H Queens, with the aim to disrupt the conventional art fair paradigm through an open-plan exhibition format, providing an intimate social space for gathering and discovering emerging artists.

攜手首席活動及項目合作夥伴 HART,藝匯(H Queen's 9/F 和 11/F)將於 H Queen’s 內舉辦有別於傳統形式的藝術活動,呈現來自全球畫廊的藝術作品和實驗性表演,參與畫廊包括PALAS(悉尼)、BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY(曼谷)、Sultana(巴黎)、BROWNIE Project(上海)、The Drawing Room(馬尼拉)、CYLINDER(首爾)等。藝匯由三位香港畫廊主發起,第二屆展覽將橫跨兩層的空間,旨在通過開放式佈局打破傳統藝博會的模式,提供一個拓展網絡和發掘新銳藝術家的平台。於討論內容,參加者將會創作標語和街招,並在巴塞爾藝術展香港展會展出。


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Collected Light: From Legacy to Future 聚光:傳承到未來
to Apr 6

Collected Light: From Legacy to Future 聚光:傳承到未來

Presented as part of the Henderson Arts @ Central programme, which runs through March 2024, the exhibition is supported by Women in Lighting and showcases a collective of eight multidisciplinary women artists from diverse cultures, who have each forged visionary paths in their use of light as an artistic medium. As a prelude to the highly anticipated opening of The Henderson building in Fall 2024 the exhibition embraces the explosive, interplay of fluid form and light characteristic of Zaha Hadid’s artwork and space design, and found at the heart of ZHA’s design for The Henderson. Featuring innovative visual art, sculptures, moving image works, and digital installations by internationally celebrated and emerging light artists, the exhibition takes as its starting point ZHA’s inspirational design for The Henderson and the legacy of Hadid’s visionary interdisciplinary practice, her challenge to conventional perceptions, and her multi-sensory exploration of light and spatial connectivity. Collectively the works inspire inclusion and push boundaries for women creatives across disciplines, transforming an empowering legacy into a vision for the future.

作為The Henderson Arts @ Central計劃的一部分,將持續展出至 2024 年 3 月。 展覽獲Women in Lighting鼎力支持,呈現了八位來自不同文化背景的跨學科女性藝術家的作品,她們在將光作為藝術媒介的過程中各自開闢了富有遠見的道路。萬眾期待的The Henderson將於2024 年秋季開幕,作為揭幕前奏,本展覽體現了哈迪德藝術作品和空間設計中,流體形態和光線特性之間激烈的相互作用,這亦是扎哈.哈迪德設計The Henderson的核心所在。展出一眾國際知名及新銳燈光藝術家的嶄新視覺藝術、雕塑、動態影像作品及數碼裝置,展覽始於哈迪德為The Henderson所作的啟發性設計,以及哈迪德富前瞻性的跨學科實踐、對傳統觀念的挑戰、對光線和空間連結性的多感官探索所留下的遺產。 這些作品激發了跨學科女性創作者的包容性,並推動了她們的創作,將充滿力量的遺產轉化為對未來的憧憬。

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Multi-disciplinary Media Artist GayBird’s Music for 9 Exhibition 跨媒體藝術家梁基爵「九重奏」展覽
to May 27

Multi-disciplinary Media Artist GayBird’s Music for 9 Exhibition 跨媒體藝術家梁基爵「九重奏」展覽

  • Unit 1701, H Queen's (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Opening Reception 開幕酒會: 27.04.2023 (Thur 四), 18:00–20:00
Artist Talks 藝術家座談會: 07.05.2023, 13.05.2023

“Music for 9“ is part of the The Missing Link series. Curated by Multi-disciplinary Media Artist / HK Composer GayBird and Vanissa Law, The Missing Link consists of three Arts Tech exhibitions, an immersive performance, and a series of open lectures concerning the current issues in the use of technology in arts. By introducing two essential elements in music - timeliness and performative into art forms that have not yet existed, the two composers/curators wish to inspire new creations and to offer new dimensions to existing art forms. Through the creation of multimedia artworks, the artists would explore ways to deploy technology for the sake of storytelling.

《九重奏》展覽是由兩位跨媒體藝術家及作曲家梁基爵和羅穎綸策劃《連繫不明》展覽系列的延伸,靈感來自科技與音樂的應用,將「時間性」 (timeliness) 和「展演性」 (performative) 套用在不同媒體的藝術層面,輔以科技的運用,給予藝術形式一個新看法、新生命,從而啟發更多新的作品。《連繫不明》展覽系列計劃包括三個分別以聲音雕塑、動態裝置及虛擬現實裝置為題材的展覽,是一個時空扭曲的媒體演出以及六節免費的科技藝術公開課。他們都會從不同界別去透視時間性和展演性應用在其他藝術形式的可能性。


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“The Arcana Intelligent 萬試萬靈” A Work by Liao Jiaming 廖家明作品
to Apr 29

“The Arcana Intelligent 萬試萬靈” A Work by Liao Jiaming 廖家明作品

With the recent rapid advancements of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are led to imagine a near future through its domination. Commissioned by Videotage and supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council, The Arcana Intelligent (2023) concludes a 6-month research by artist Liao Jiaming. It creates an experience of “divination”, combining elements of various religion, meditation, occultism, and ritual, that employs AI algorithms developed from different eras. It is an attempt to subvert current relationships between human users and computational algorithms in most AI applications. The art of divination may not simply be interpreted by the omniscient, it provides access to the inquirer’s subconscious. AI becomes a conjugate of scientific and spiritual medium, and therefore positioned beyond the divine and secular.

*The meaning of “Arcana” comes from the terms “major arcana” and “minor arcana” in tarot card reading. Arcana is the mystery sought by the alchemists of the Middle Ages, and the principle of the world.

From 11 to 29 April 2023, you will be able to experience this unique divination powered by AI at 9/F H Queen’s, alongside HART’s exhibition “Postmodern Tales”.

近期人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)急速發展,引領我們持著AI主導來想像未來快將來到。由Videotage委託和香港藝術發展局資助,《萬試萬靈》(2023年)是藝術家廖家明六個月的研究成果。作品創造了一種集合宗教、冥想、神秘主義和儀式等元素的「占卜」體驗。該作品綜合採用不同時代開發的AI算法,試圖顛覆目前大多數AI應用中人類使用者和電腦算法之間的關係。占卜的魅力也許不是可以得到全知者的提點,而是得以通往問卜者自身的潛意識。AI在此成為科學和精神媒介的結合體,因而也被置於神性和世俗之外。

*英文作品標題之「arcana」來自塔羅牌占卜中的「大秘儀 major arcana」和「小秘儀 minor arcana」。Arcana為中古世紀煉金術師所追尋的奧秘,天地萬物運行的道理。

在2023年4月11至29日期間,你可在H Queen’s 九樓「後現代小傳」展覽中體驗AI占卜。


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Comics and Animation: from the studio to publishing 動漫藝術:從工作室到出版
3:30 PM15:30

Comics and Animation: from the studio to publishing 動漫藝術:從工作室到出版

As the second chapter of “Postmodern Tales”, our exhibition presents a reading corner where visitors can lay their hands on artists-made publications , exploring the multi-facets of contemporary art practices through printed zines, art books, comics and photobooks.

Extending our discussion on artists’ publications, we have invited two artists – Eunice Lai and Florence Lee to come share with us their journeys in comics and animation creation. Both born in Hong Kong, Lai uses different mediums including comics, illustrations and paintings to explore her own mystical world; while Lee discovers ideas from daily encounters and connects them with her cultural identities through the means of animation. In this talk, we will take a dive into the artists’ art-making process, exploring the creation of comics, illustrations and animations. The artists will also share about their experience in printing and publishing in Hong Kong, as well as participating in different overseas fairs and festivals.

Comics and Animation: from the studio to publishing
Speakers: Eunice Lai and Florence Lee
8 April 2023 (Sat), 3:30–4:30pm
Location: 9/F, H Queen’s



地點:9/F, H Queen’s


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Postmodern Tales 後現代小傳
to Apr 29

Postmodern Tales 後現代小傳

We are delighted to share with you our upcoming off-site exhibition, “Postmodern Tales”, bringing together an international group of artists and creators currently based in Hong Kong, from the new-generation artists, scientist, architects, designers to authors, showcasing latest works of interdisciplinary practices and artist-made publications! The exhibition also connects Hong Kong artists who operate private studios with HART’s artists-in-residence as part of an ongoing investigation of how individualist or incubative approaches contribute to contemporary art ecology. “Postmodern Tales” is a reflection of HART’s vision—it is an illuminating showcase that probes into histories, personal memories and locality through experimental captures, bringing contexts of culture and identity formation to light.



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