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Peer to Peer: UK/HK - Digital Residency 網上平台進行駐場 | Wu Jiaru with Furtherfield 吳佳儒與Furtherfield

HART is pleased to announce our participation in Peer to Peer: UK/HK - an inspiring arts exchange initiative between UK and Hong Kong.⁣

Peer to Peer: UK/HK is a programme designed to encourage meaningful cultural exchange and to forge enduring partnerships between the UK and Hong Kong's visual arts sectors.⁣ The programme launches publicly with an online festival of international exchange and collaboration on the 11-14 November, curated by independent curator Ying Kwok.

The Festival will include an online exhibition of digital artworks from UK and Hong Kong based artists, including 5 new commissions by artists nominated by UK and Hong Kong based partners. There will also be a series of digital residencies taking place across partner organisation's social media channels as well as a set of curated panel discussions.⁣

Hausian Wu Jiaru is starting her digital residency with Furtherfield (UK) from today till October 29. Stay tuned to the social media platforms of Furtherfield (Instagram) to see what Jiaru will share with worldwide audience in this program!

For more information of Peer to Peer: UK/HK, please check out their website.

HART 很高興能參予 Peer to Peer: UK/ HK —— 英國與香港之間的啟發性藝術交流計劃。⁣

Peer to Peer: UK/ HK​旨在鼓勵英國和香港視覺藝術領域之間有意義的文化交流,並建立持久的伙伴關係。⁣一系列活動將於11月11日至14日期間,隨獨立策展人郭瑛策劃的國際交流與合作的網上藝術節正式啟動。⁣


HART藝術家 (Hausian) 吳佳儒於今天起至十月二十九日將展開於Furtherfield (UK)之網上藝術家駐場活動。⁣歡迎密切留意Furtherfield的社交平台(Instagram),了解佳儒將為世界各地的藝術愛好者帶來的精彩分享。

請密切留意我們發佈的更新,或登錄Peer to Peer: UK/HK網站了解更多資訊。⁣