Partnering with HART as Lead Event and Programme Partner, Supper Club (9/F and 11/F at H Queen's) will bring an alternative art event showcasing a curated selection of artworks and experimental performances from galleries across the globe, including PALAS (Sydney), BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY (Bangkok), Sultana (Paris), BROWNIE Project (Shanghai), The Drawing Room (Manila), CYLINDER (Seoul), and more. Co-founded by three Hong Kong gallerists, the second edition of Supper Club will take place across two floors in H Queens, with the aim to disrupt the conventional art fair paradigm through an open-plan exhibition format, providing an intimate social space for gathering and discovering emerging artists.
A selection of new works will be presented by eight HART artists-in-residence: Mae Chan, Dony Cheng, Mark Chung, Yvonne Feng, Kongkee, Elsa Ngai, Nicholas Wong, and Wu Jiaru.
There will also be a participatory performance for Supper Club, where HART Haus artist Doris Ng invites visitors to explore the boundaries and connections between their bodies.
攜手首席活動及項目合作夥伴 HART,藝匯(H Queen's 9/F 和 11/F)將於 H Queen’s 內舉辦有別於傳統形式的藝術活動,呈現來自全球畫廊的藝術作品和實驗性表演,參與畫廊包括PALAS(悉尼)、BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY(曼谷)、Sultana(巴黎)、BROWNIE Project(上海)、The Drawing Room(馬尼拉)、CYLINDER(首爾)等。藝匯由三位香港畫廊主發起,第二屆展覽將橫跨兩層的空間,旨在通過開放式佈局打破傳統藝博會的模式,提供一個拓展網絡和發掘新銳藝術家的平台。於討論內容,參加者將會創作標語和街招,並在巴塞爾藝術展香港展會展出。
八位 HART 匯舍藝術家包括陳潔婷、鄭虹、鍾正、馮伊雯、江記、魏舍椏、黃裕邦及吳佳儒將會在展覽中呈現一系列新作。
此外,HART Haus 藝術家吳玳誼將在 Supper Club 舉行期間舉辦一場參與式表演,邀請訪客一同探索自身身體的界線與聯繫。
Details 詳情
General Admission 公眾參觀
Date and Time 日期和時間:26 - 30 Mar | 14:00 - 23:00
Venue 地點:H Queen’s 9/F + 11/F
Performance: "A Collective Imprint" - Adjust The Rainbow" by Doris Ng
吳玳誼:參與式表演 —"A Collective Imprint" - Adjust The Rainbow"
Date and Time 日期和時間:27 Mar | 15:00 - 22:30
Venue 地點:H Queen’s 9/F + 11/F
Register to Attend 登記參觀
Lead Event and Programme Partner 首席活動及項目合作夥伴:HART