As the second chapter of “Postmodern Tales”, our exhibition presents a reading corner where visitors can lay their hands on artists-made publications , exploring the multi-facets of contemporary art practices through printed zines, art books, comics and photobooks.
Extending our discussion on artists’ publications, we have invited two artists – Eunice Lai and Florence Lee to come share with us their journeys in comics and animation creation. Both born in Hong Kong, Lai uses different mediums including comics, illustrations and paintings to explore her own mystical world; while Lee discovers ideas from daily encounters and connects them with her cultural identities through the means of animation. In this talk, we will take a dive into the artists’ art-making process, exploring the creation of comics and animations. The artists will also share about their experience in printing and publishing in Hong Kong, as well as participating in different overseas fairs and festivals.
Comics and Animation: from the studio to publishing
Speakers: Eunice Lai and Florence Lee
8 April 2023 (Sat), 3:30–4:30pm
Location: 9/F, H Queen’s
The talk will be facilitated in Cantonese.
地點:9/F, H Queen’s
About the Speakers 講者簡介
Fascinated by the power of imagination and freedom, the works of Eunice Lai (b. 1993, Hong Kong) often engaged in the creation and exploration of her own mystical world which one may not encounter in reality. Stories happen in the forms include but not limited to comics, story-telling, illustrations, oil paintings and maybe soon animation. Through exploring the possibilities in another world, she finds inspiration to respond to herself and to reality. Lai received her BA(Hons) in Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2017 and studied in Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna as an exchange student in 2015-2016.
黎曉蓉 1993 年生於香港,嚮往想像和自由的力量,因此作品經常關於創作和探索自己那現實中難以遇到的神秘世界。她的故事以漫畫、故事、插畫,或於不久的將來以油畫和動畫呈現。透過探索另一個世界的可能性,她找到了回應自己和現實世界的靈感。2017年她畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院,曾到意大利博洛尼亞藝術學院交流。
Florence Yuk-ki Lee (b. 1994, Hong Kong) is an animation artist and co-founder of No Reason Studio. Assembling and stagingephemeral figures, lived experiences, and poetic visual metaphors in her practice, Leeunearths ideas and inspirations from her daily encounters in Hong Kong—the city whereshe grew up—to investigate the multilayered connection between herself and her cultural identity. Lee obtained her BA in Graphic Communication Design from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London in 2016 and her MFA in Creative Media from the City University of Hong Kong in 2021. Her work has been shown at various festivals and venues, including Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France (2022), Animafest Zagreb in Croatia (2022), and Fantoche International Animation Film Festival in Switzerland (2022). In 2022, she was commissioned by Hong Kong’s M+ Museum to direct the short film Park Voyage, which will be shown at a selection of screenings and events.
李鈺淇(生於1994年,香港)是一位動畫藝術家,亦是No Reason Studio的共同創辦人。在她的實踐中,李鈺淇將轉瞬即逝的人物、生活經歷和富有詩意的視覺隱喻組合在一起,從她在她的家鄉香港的日常偶遇中挖掘出想法和靈感,並探索她和自己的文化身份之間的多層次聯繫。李鈺淇於2016年獲得倫敦藝術大學中央聖馬丁學院平面傳媒設計文學學士,於2021年獲得香港城市大學創意媒體藝術碩士學位。她的作品曾在多個國際電影節及藝術機構得到播映,其中包括官方評選法國安錫國際動畫影展(2022)、克羅地亞薩格勒布世界動畫電影節(2022)、瑞士Fantoche國際動畫電影節(2022)等。2022年,她受香港M+博物館委約製作動畫短片《Park Voyage》,將在精選的放映和活動中播出。