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PRAGUE ART WEEK x HART 《Hong Kong Adaptus Archeology》:城市疊跡與覺察 | Open Studio 工作室開放

  • HART Haus 3/F Cheung Hing Industrial Building, 12P Smithfield Kennedy Town, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong SAR China (map)

Open Studio 工作室開放
《Hong Kong Adaptus Archeology》:城市疊跡與覺察

HART announces an International Artist Exchange with Lenka Bakes, in collaboration with Prague Art Week. Bakes will present an Open Studio during her residency at HART Haus, showcasing work inspired by her research in Hong Kong. Exploring the connection between self and human history, Bakes combines spiritual archeology, myth, and the city's memory to reflect on our reality. She uses photographs, literary snippets, artifacts, and natural objects to dissect and reconstruct this intertwined reality.

HART與布拉格藝術週合作,宣布與Lenka Bakes進行國際藝術家交流。Bakes將在HART Haus的駐留期間舉辦開放工作室,展示她在香港的研究啟發的作品。通過探索自我與人類歷史之間的聯繫,Bakes結合了精神考古學、神話和城市記憶來反思我們的現實。她使用攝影、隨筆、文物和自然物件來剖析和重構這種交織的現實。