A Self-Awareness Journey through Art Explorations
“Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.”
The Dew - Clarity and Placidity, Condensing the Essence of Life
HART is introducing a new mindfulness programme in 2020 - The Dew. A programme curated by our Partner Hausian Sheeta Ng, The Dew is a series of six workshops which allow participants to grow self-awareness through art explorations in light, taste, touch, color and voice. By practicing art using our different senses, participants can understand more about themselves, readjust their focuses, and transform creativity into positive energies in life.
There is no fixed syllabus - you are welcome to enroll in any workshop according to your interests and needs, and enjoy your own tailor-made programme.
We look forward to beginning this journey with you.
《湛》—— 清、明、澄、澈,匯生命之髓
Message from Programme Curator
Life and external environmental challenges have brought us waves of impacts since last year. Under such chaotic and rapidly changing circumstances, it is easy to unconsciously forget the "intrinsic nature", and get tangled up in disarray. This status has given me a chance to reflect about life.
For this series of workshops, we have invited several artists, who specialize in handicrafts, design, sound, gastronomy, visual and multimedia respectively, to work with us. In their process of creation, it always takes a considerable period of time to contemplate, as well as to communicate with one's own self. Although they work in different areas, the departure point is the same: to stay gold through creating art. The creative space also represents a process of knowing oneself, and as a result gaining, fortifying or transforming energy to fuel us to move forward.
Hopefully our programme "The Dew" can create a personal space for your mind and body to experience the joyfulness of tranquility and simplicity.
Last but not least, through the curation of this programme, I have greatly experienced the Dharma of "Conditioned Arising" in Buddhism - the contributions from different artists and HART Team are good causes and conditions, that allow me to realise thoughts and ideas which I have developed from my career in art. I am grateful for your support and trust!
- Sheeta, with joined palms
最後想說的是,透過今次的策劃 ,深深體驗到佛教裡面的「因緣和合」。從藝術家到HART Team的支持,是很多的好因好緣,令我可以將自己從事藝術工作的想法體驗出來。籍此機會,十分感恩您們的支持及信任!
- 少慧 合十
Programme Overview 活動一覽
Workshop Details 工作坊詳情
*Please click on the images for details 詳情請按圖片
About Programme Curator
Sheeta Ng
Founder of NSW Arts Company Limited
Graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a M.A. degree in Cultural Management, and a Bachelor of Communication (Marketing and Advertising Communication) from the University of Canberra. Member of Dharma Drum Mountain (Hong Kong) Zen Drum Group, also she is a singing bowl, Shaman Drum and Reiki practitioner.
Sheeta has held senior arts administration positions in sizable organisations, such as the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tai Kwun and the Hong Kong Arts Centre and M+. In 2019, She received the 58th Venice Biennale Internship and 2015, she received the Sage Gateshead, UK Internships for the community music project "Music Spark" and "Co-Musica". She also has profound experience in music education. With a Postgraduate Certificate in Music Therapy from HKUSPACE, and the ABRSM Grade 8 certifications on Vocal and Piano. She was teaching in secondary and primary schools, as well as Hong Kong Treble Choir.
NSW Arts Company 創辦人
吳氏曾於香港中文大學、香港藝術中心和大館、M+ 博物館、光華新聞文化中心等大型機構,擔任節目部策劃工作。多年來參與策劃及統籌多項藝術教育及觀眾拓展活動。吳氏熱愛音樂,修讀了香港大學校外進修學院音樂治療證書、並持有英國皇家音樂學院八級聲樂和鋼琴證書,一直在音樂教育上堅持和抱有理想,曾於小學任教音樂,及擔任聲樂及合唱團導師。她又曾於唱片公司工作,具豐富市場推廣經驗。