Artist Class 藝術家工作坊 | Mae Chan: Felted Creations & Connections 羊毛氈創作與聯繫
Christmas is just around the corner, and we would love to invite you to a creative journey of self-healing with HART artist-in-residence Mae Chan! Intimacy and personal relationships are recollections of warmth and confusion, in which we will explore the complexity and profound emotions through this tactile art journey. This workshop offers a space to express such emotions and reconnect with your core. The event includes a studio tour, a wet felting workshop, and a supportive group discussion.
聖誕節將至,HART 匯舍藝術家 Mae Chan 邀請你參與一場自我療癒的創作體驗。無論你對親密關係感到溫暖還是困惑,我們都將透過觸覺與創作,探索那些難以言喻的複雜感受。這場工作坊將幫助你在情感的表達中找到出口,建立深刻的自我連結。活動包括藝術家工作室參觀、羊毛濕氈創作和支持性討論。