To start with, we would like to enjoy with you this refreshing Saturday afternoon in exploring more about ourselves. HART knows well about the significance of relevance, hence we would very much like to gain insights with you together in establishing HART - an initiative, a community, a creative collective.
Through engaging you to an interactive exercise, and the sharing with you all some of our plans on HART Haus programming and the Collective's recent researches, we hope you will pick up some new perspectives to better discover the magic (or the beauty of negativity) in everyday lives.
We welcome anyone with openmindedness, experimental and free spirit to engage in this session.
See you on the weekend!
Free admission | Duration: 1 hour
Location: HART Haus, 3/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building, 12P Smithfield, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
在 HART Haus 度周末,一起探索自我發掘的趣味吧!我們團隊明白關聯和有效連結的重要性,所以要讓參與的朋友到來工作室了解 HART,活動除了提供資訊與前瞻,必須講求互動與新鮮感。
希望大家到來體驗 HART 社群是如何凝聚的,在了解我們的節目籌辦和研究項目同時,從中相互啟發,繼而共同想像、建構並發展這個創意空間。
免費參加|時間:約 1 小時
地點: 堅尼地城士美菲路 12P 號祥興工業大廈 3 樓 HART Haus