A Self-Awareness Journey through Art Explorations
“Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.”
Our mindfulness programme The Dew is coming back in the second half of 2021. A programme curated by our Partner Hausian Sheeta Ng, The Dew is a series of six workshops which allow participants to grow self-awareness through art explorations in different areas. By practicing art using our different senses, participants can understand more about themselves, readjust their focuses, and transform creativity into positive energies in life.
There is no fixed syllabus - you are welcome to enroll in any workshop according to your interests and needs, and enjoy your own tailor-made programme.
We look forward to continuing this journey with you.
我們的正念練習計劃 ——《湛》在2021下半年正式回歸。是次項目由我們的伙伴Hausian吳少慧策劃。透過一系列六個工作坊,讓參加者透過在不同範籌的藝術探索,來訓練自我意識。經由使用不同感官創作藝術,參加者能更了解自身、重整自己的焦點,並將創意轉化成生命中的正能量。
這個計劃沒有固定的課程表 —— 歡迎你根據自己的興趣和需要,參加任何一個或多個工作坊,享受為你度身定造的計劃。
Message from Programme Curator
The Dew 2.0 is a 6-month-long program that continues in the spirit of its predecessor. Through natural dyeing, design, sound, taste, visual art, jazz improvisation, floral arrangement, and forest bathing experiences, The Dew 2.0 hopes to provide processes for its participants to reflect on themselves or to create a space for nourishing our hearts and minds. Participants are able to encounter the levity and joy found within a bright and clear state of mind, where we can rediscover our “true selves.”
Despite the tumultuousness of the pandemic, the first edition of The Dew was nevertheless able to successfully carry out its series of events last year, which gave me the precious opportunity to meet and connect with those who took part in the program. Seeing some being moved to tears and witnessing the relaxed expressions and heartfelt sharing among programme participants was the best, most touching feedback and encouragement that I could have hoped to receive.
Finally, the experiences of this curatorial opportunity as well as the unconditional support and trust that I received from the participating artists and HART Team have given me the motivation to actively create more projects that meld art with mindfulness. I have come to a deep understanding of what Master Sheng-Yan had shared in his book, 108 Adages of Wisdom: “The tripartite formula for success is: go with the causes and conditions, seize them as they come, and create them when they don’t.” Through The Dew 2.0, I hope to once again bring us together and to connect.
- Sheeta, with joined palms
今回為期半年的《湛2.0》延續 上一回《湛》系列的精神,透過自然染、設計、聲音、飲食、視覺藝術、爵士即興、花藝創作及森林浴的體驗,希望為大家提供一個觀照自己的過程或創造一個容心養身之所,體驗澄明那種輕安的喜悅、找回「本來面目」。
最後想說的是,經歷了上次策劃的機會 ,藝術家及HART Team對我無條件的支持及信任,推動我積極地去做更多藝術連結正念的計劃。深深體會到聖嚴師父108自在語中的「成功的三部曲是:隨順因緣、把握因緣、創造因緣」。希望可以籍此和大家再相聚、連結。
- 少慧 合十
Programme Overview 活動一覽
Workshop Details 工作坊詳情
*Please click on the titles for details 詳情請按課程題目
About Programme Curator
Sheeta Ng
Founder of NSW Arts Company Limited
Graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a M.A. degree in Cultural Management, and a Bachelor of Communication (Marketing and Advertising Communication) from the University of Canberra. Member of Dharma Drum Mountain (Hong Kong) Zen Drum Group, also she is a singing bowl, Shaman Drum and Reiki practitioner.
Sheeta has held senior arts administration positions in sizable organisations, such as the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tai Kwun and the Hong Kong Arts Centre and M+. In 2019, She received the 58th Venice Biennale Internship and 2015, she received the Sage Gateshead, UK Internships for the community music project "Music Spark" and "Co-Musica". She also has profound experience in music education. With a Postgraduate Certificate in Music Therapy from HKUSPACE, and the ABRSM Grade 8 certifications on Vocal and Piano. She was teaching in secondary and primary schools, as well as Hong Kong Treble Choir.
NSW Arts Company 創辦人
吳氏曾於香港中文大學、香港藝術中心和大館、M+ 博物館、光華新聞文化中心等大型機構,擔任節目部策劃工作。多年來參與策劃及統籌多項藝術教育及觀眾拓展活動。吳氏熱愛音樂,修讀了香港大學校外進修學院音樂治療證書、並持有英國皇家音樂學院八級聲樂和鋼琴證書,一直在音樂教育上堅持和抱有理想,曾於小學任教音樂,及擔任聲樂及合唱團導師。她又曾於唱片公司工作,具豐富市場推廣經驗。