Dear Friends of HART,
HART strives to engage and cohere creative communities since the very beginning of the year 2019 through launching a series of activities, aiming to discover more approaches to sustainable development of the industries, and to put these discoveries and approaches into actions. Experimental spirit is the key to realise such evolution. An example will be HART Haus, the studio where talents who make visual artworks that is not limited just to painters, and where creators of tangible works claim themselves taking the role more than an artist. Our team believes the power and tremendous positive energies generated by making creative souls to meet and interact, these encounters are not limited to practitioners who use different medium and media to demonstrate their creativity, but also to anyone who embrace art by visiting and observing, as guests who come to join us, enjoy and to learn from each other. Hopefully the mutual inspiration, understanding, continuous responses leading to more imagination to fuel creativity could be an endless cycle at HART.
The effectiveness and influence of our practices will be a matter of time, as we intend to learn humbly, starting with the organic interactions, leading to collaborations organized by HART, which is very encouraging.
HART hopes to have your continuous support, we welcome you to our upcoming events and offer us your suggestions!
Warm regards,
Jeannie Wu
Director, HART Collective
致 HART的好友:
2019 年始,HART 致力建立創意社群,舉辦的一連串活動,旨在開展專業人士與群眾思考永續創意工業的方法,並付諸行動。為此,其中一項十分重要的推進原素,是實驗精神。比方在 HART Haus,做視覺藝術的不止於畫家,而在這空間出現眼見到又觸摸得到的作品,其創造者又未必是(或不限於)藝術家的身份和角色。我們的團隊相信,以不同媒介發揮創意的人聚首,包括到訪的觀眾,會產生相當大的力量。互相啟發是一個層面,再踏進一步是讓他們繼續聯繫和觀察,汲收、了解、想像,然後回應,理想當然是無間斷的繼續這循環。
希望有你持續的參與和指教來支持 HART!
HART Collective 總監
2019 HART Happenings Review | HART活動回顧
February 二月
HART Outreach - Yen Chow Street Hawker Bazaar, Chi Kee Sawmill & Timber (February 23)
HART 外展 —— 深水埗棚仔市場,志記鎅木廠 (二月二十三日)
HART Haus artists (Hausians) and friends of HART had a great day exploring hidden gems in Hong Kong - they visited local craftsmen and masters, and learned more about traditional arts and crafts industry in Hong Kong. Special thanks to Him Lo, founder of Ching Chun Warehouse, for leading the tour; as well as Master Ho (fabric and garment) and Master Wong (sawmill and timber) for sharing their profound knowledge and experience.
透過探訪本地的工藝師傅,HART Haus藝術家和HART友好對香港的傳統工藝加深了理解,並進行了對話與交流。特別鳴謝「青春工藝」的始創人盧樂謙先生作為領隊,以及棚仔市場的何師傅與志記鎅木廠的黃師傅分享豐富知識和經驗。
March 三月
Social Studio Showcase & NEST Party - HART Haus (March 21-29)
匯舍展示及NEST派對 —— HART Haus (三月二十一至二十九日)
To celebrate of the creativity, synergy and connection founded at HART Haus Social Studio, 10 artists shared their works and art making progress with the public at HART Haus. On March 29, an after party - "NEST" was co-organised by HART Haus, Gallery EXIT, Anomaly from Tokyo and ROH Projects from Jakarta, as a perfect wrap-up for this crazy art month.
結合創意、協同力以及彼此間的連繫,HART Haus藝術家為大眾展示了他們在匯舍計劃中的作品,並藝術創作的過程。在三月二十九日,HART Haus與三間畫廊——安全口(香港),Anomaly(東京),ROH Projects(雅加達) 一起舉行了《NEST》派對,為瘋狂的藝術三月畫上完美句號。
May 五月
Weekend Sharing #1: Art, Autonomy, Therapy - HART Haus (May 4)
周末共享經驗 #1 - 藝術、自主與治療 —— HART Haus (五月四日)
Our first Weekend Sharing session opened the door to a new interpretation of art - art as a way to empower, as the power to heal by engaging the public in a series of sharing and relaxing activities. The session was co-hosted by Sheeta Ng (Founder of NSW Arts Company) and Jeannie Wu (Director of HART) - experienced art practitioners in the field.
透過邀請公眾參與一連串的分享和活動,此分享環節開啓和探索對藝術新的理解:藝術如何賦權,其力量如何發揮治癒的功效。活動由藝術圈內兩位饒富經驗的人士——NSW Arts Company 創辦人吳少慧小姐及HART總監胡津如小姐共同主持。
HART/Beat Talk#1: What's HART? - HART Haus (May 25)
HART/Beat 分享#1: 甚麼是HART?—— HART Haus (五月二十五日)
HART team (Jeannie Wu and Dorcas Leung) enjoyed a refreshing Saturday afternoon in exploring more about HART Haus with our guests - not only did they learn more about HART, they also helped imagine, construct and develop this creative space.
HART團隊 (胡津如及梁長羚) 與參加活動的朋友享受了一個美好的星期六下午。參加者透過參觀工作室更深入了解 HART,繼而共同想像、建構並發展這個創意空間。
HART Partnership Events | 合作活動
The 2019 Sovereign Asian Art Prize Finalist Exhibition - HART Hall (April 17-29)
2019 Sovereign Asian Art Prize 決賽展覽 —— HART Hall (四月十七至二十九日)
"Life is A Journey" by Antoine Rameau / Le French May - HART Haus (May 10-23)
《生命是一趟旅程》Antoine Rameau / 法國五月 —— HART Haus (五月十至二十三日)
Hong Kong Open Printshop “Hong Kong Fine Print” Fair - HART Hall (May 17-19)
香港版畫工作室《Hong Kong Fine Print》博覽展 —— HART Hall (五月十七至十九日)
Rooftop Institute Workshops - HART Haus (May 4,18,25)
天台塾《學學習》工作坊 —— HART Haus (五月四、十八、二十五日)
"Together We March Forward: New Asia 70th Anniversary Art Exhibition", Workshops and Guided Tour - HART Hall (June 13 - 17), HART Haus (June 16-17)
《結隊向前行:新亞七十藝術展》展覽、專題講座及導賞團 —— HART Hall (六月十三至十七日) 及 HART Haus (六月十六至十七日)
Upcoming Events | 活動預告
June 24 - July 12 | 六月二十四至七月十二日
Social Studio Showcase|匯舍展示 - HART Haus
July 19 | 七月十九日
HART Hub#3 by Jaime Chong - HART Haus
July 30 | 七月三十日
HART Hub#4 by Max Cheng - HART Haus
Stay tuned for more details!