HART/Beat Newsletter - Issue 2 (January 2020)
/May happiness, good health, passion, luck and wisdom fill your Year of the Rat, while letting go of worries to fearlessly embrace all the challenges and new attempts in the becoming of a more innovative person.
HART would like to share a small chapter that we have just accomplished to kickstart the new year. The 5 Courses which were just completed in January has served as a very good case study for our ongoing research, while this particular program has formed a good foundation for knowledge sharing, with which we hope to trigger more of your curiosity.
二月新春時節,HART 團隊很想跟大家分享剛剛努力推行的五節藝術行政管理課堂的小小成果。在這個段落着墨,其實是想賣關子:因為 2020年尾,我們想給大家展示整理過的資訊知識池;該項目是團隊一直努力做的研究和洞察,望給行業一塊新的借鏡。