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International Artist Residency Exchange 國際藝術家駐地交流 - PRAGUE ART WEEK X HART

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International Artist Residency Exchange 國際藝術家駐地交流

Rivers of remembering, to the forgotten land 河流中銘記,土地上遺失

In collaboration with Prague Art Week, HART is delighted to announce that Artist Melody Qingmei Li will be participating in the International Artist Residency Exchange.

Following the Czech artist’s residency at HART Haus this March, Melody Qingmei Li will be participating in the artist residency at Gabriel Loci studio and presenting her solo exhibition “Rivers of remembering, to the forgotten land” in the Czech Republic.

聯同布拉格藝術週𢹂手合作,HART 欣然宣布本地藝術家李清美將到訪捷克共和國進行藝術駐地交流。

繼本年三月邀請捷克藝術家於 HART Haus 工作室駐留後,李清美將於布拉格 Gabriel Loci 工作室駐留,並於藝術週期間於呈獻個人展覽「河流中銘記,土地上遺失」。

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