Eunice Lai 黎曉蓉 (HK)

Eunice Lai 黎曉蓉 (HK)

Eunice Lai is a comic artist based in Hong Kong currently.

Fascinated by the power of imagination and freedom, the works of Eunice Lai transport viewers to mystical worlds that may not be encountered in reality. Stories happen in mediums such as comics, storytelling, illustrations, oil paintings, and potentially other forms in the future. By venturing into these alternative realms, Lai discovers inspiration that allows her to connect with herself and the world around her. She received her BA(Hons) in Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University and studied in Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna in Italy as an exchange student. Life to her is an experience and in that she is always inspired to forage and create.

Experience, explore, enjoy life and freedom.




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