Damian Boylan (UK)

Damian Boylan became a scientist, and completed a Master’s degree (MEng) in Aerospace Engineering, long before turning to art. Those early beginnings pervade his work, which is multidisciplinary in range, including Painting, Photography, Videography and Sound. His methodology is more akin to scientific investigation. Boylan experiments with fundamental physical phenomena, and expands upon them, presenting the result to the viewer as art. The intent of his work is about something fundamental and perpetual. In essence, it is an unearthing of the very building blocks of this universe.

Damian Boylan 是個在香港居住了 10年的藝術家。他是個擁有正式數學及科學訓練背景、航空航天工程碩士畢業生。 設計強項範疇包括複合材料,空氣動力學,有限元分析(FEA)和計算機輔助設計(CAD)。他的多媒介藝術創作廣泛地研究物理現象與物理化學的相互作用影響。

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