Lonely Kidney (HK)

Lonely Kidney, also known as Alistar Huang, is a visual artist who explores the uncharted world through graphic design, illustration and painting. Her artwork presents a surrealistic imagination, drawing inspiration from personal experiences, emotions, and everyday occurrences. Lonely Kidney’s practice often challenges traditional norms and pushes the boundaries of what is considered beautiful. She combines discordant and imperfect elements, creating a harmonious chaos. By infusing a sense of humor into her artistic practice, it reflects her playful nature.

Lonely Kidney,亦稱 Alistar Huang,是一名視覺藝術家。她主要透過平面設計、插畫和油畫探索未知的世界。她常以超現實的風格描繪怪誕的國度,靈感來自於個人經歷、情感和日常生活。Lonely Kidney的創作經常挑戰傳統規範並突破美學的界限,結合不和諧、不完美的元素,創造一種和諧的混亂。此外,她還在實踐中注入幽默感,反映了她調皮的性格。
