KC Wong 黃家銓 (HK)

A multi-discipline artist, KC Wong has been involved in illustration & animation production, visual merchandising and art creation. KC has worked on commercial visual communication projects with companies in both Hong Kong and China. KC is the founder of “Sick Sick Creation" - a creative agency focusing at story-telling, as well as brand building.

KC brings a depth of experience in visual communication to his creations, with a BA (Hons) in Design and Visual Communication (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2003), and qualifications in Advertising Design and Computer Art and Design.

KC 為多元設計師及獨立短片導演,至今從事設計及藝術創作已近20年。他涉獵範疇廣泛,視覺營銷、產品展示、品牌推廣、大學兼職導師插畫及動畫製作⋯⋯他曾與各大小品牌,媒體合作,積極展示其多變的創作。

除了突破傳統商業的展示模式,他更將之傳譯為生活化的設計思維, 出任香港浸會大學持續教育學院兼職導師,主理「時尚商品展示設計」課程。近年創辦了悉式創作,主張以 story-telling 的方式呈現及建立品牌形象。

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