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The Discovery of A Secret Language | 《秘密語言》

  • HART Haus 3/F Cheung Hing Industrial Building Kennedy Town Hong Kong (map)

In this 2-encounters workshop, the artist instructor will first give a small talk about some of the secret language we can find on embroidery, an overlooked work of art that tells us a part of history that has passed unnoticed. Participants will be invited to create an artwork, using embroidery on their old clothings, and by hiding their own resilient secret message in their creation, they are to create, erase, reproduce and preserve memories in collaboration.

Date & Time
October 9, 2021 (Sat) and October 23, 2021 (Sat)
(Each class compiles of two sessions)
14:30 - 16:00

3/F, Cheung Hing Ind. Bldg., 12P Smithfield Rd., Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

Participation Fee
Early-Bird Complete Experiential Journeys Package (Enrol by June 14, 2021)
Click here for more details

Early-Bird Participation Fee (Enrol by June 14, 2021)
HK$1,100 / Class (two sessions)

Regular Participation Fee (Enrol starting from June 15, 2021)
HK$1,500 / Class (two sessions)

Medium of Instruction
Conducted in English only


2021年10月9日 (星期六) 及 2021年10月23日 (星期六)

14:30 - 16:00

堅尼地城祥興工業大廈三樓HART Haus

早鳥完整體驗主題之旅 (只限6月14日或之前報名)

早鳥時段參加費 (只限6月14日或之前報名)
HK$1,100 /班別 (共兩節)

參加費 (6月15日起)
HK$1,500 /班別 (共兩節)


About Course Instructor

Ane Alfeiran
Ane is a self-taught Mexican artist who, from a young age, found an escape in art and a forum in which to express her feelings, hopes and fears. As someone who continues to travel the globe, Ane draws on inspiration and technique from the different cities and cultures she has experienced. Ane takes us into the emotional world of each of her subjects, making each painting stand out with its own individual story. Through a deep personal connection present in her compositions, she aims to stimulate the viewer’s feelings and imagination and encourage them to create their own interpretation of what the art means to them.


Ane Alfeiran
Ane 是個自學成才的墨西哥裔藝術家,年輕時已發現從藝術中尋找到歸宿解放、表達到她的感受、希望與恐懼。她周遊列國,所體驗的種種不同文化啟發她現在繪畫採納轉化的技巧。畫中主題要角每每引人入勝、領導每個人進入其情感世界,每幅畫就能獨立講述一個故事。透過作品結構所表現的深層個人連繫,Ane 希望能激發觀眾情感和想像、鼓勵大家創造和演繹藝術的意義。