Enable Foundation (EF) is a non-profit social design collective with expertise in cross-generational co-creation and design researches for real-world impact, and a registered non-profit educational charity. Enable Foundation aims to develop capacity training programmes and projects on design thinking and doing, as well as creativity with individuals, organisations from private and public sectors. It was founded in 2017 in Hong Kong, after receiving start-up funding from HKSAR Government’s Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) to support its first cross-generational innovation programme, Social Innovation Design Lab (SI.DLab). Co-founders Dr Yanki Lee and Ire Tsui will share on the award-winning social design projects and recent cross-disciplinary social innovation project Dementia Hong Kong.
Date & Time
October 2, 2021 (Sat)
14:30 - 16:00
3/F, Cheung Hing Ind. Bldg., 12P Smithfield Rd., Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Participation Fee
Early-Bird Complete Experiential Journeys Package (Enrol by June 14, 2021)
Click here for more details
Early-Bird Participation Fee (Enrol by June 14, 2021)
Regular Participation Fee (Enrol starting from June 15, 2021)
Medium of Instruction
Conducted bilingually - depending on guest speakers’ preferred medium
啟民創社是一間社會創新相關的設計非牟利機構,透過跨代共創和設計研究的專業服務,為全球社會議題提出創新方案。我們的宗旨是運用設計思維及行動,發展針對個人、私營及公營機構的創意力培訓計劃及項目。啟民創社於2017年獲得香港政府社會創新及創業發展基金資助。香港成立據點,開始首個跨代共創計劃——「社創設計室(SI.DLab)」,合作的其他計劃夥伴及資助機構包括:香港藝術青年文化協會、Center for Demens (丹麥哥本哈根)、賽馬會耆智園、香港大學秀圃老年研究中心、香港設計中心等。2021年成為《稅務條例》第88條認可的教育慈善機構。共同創辦人李欣琪博士和徐巧詩將會分享歷年得獎社創設計項目,以及跨界別共創項目:腦化香港。
2021年10月2日 (星期六)
14:30 - 16:00
堅尼地城祥興工業大廈三樓HART Haus
早鳥完整體驗主題之旅 (只限6月14日或之前報名)
早鳥時段參加費 (只限6月14日或之前報名)
參加費 (6月15日起)
雙語教授 - 按協作客席講者即場傾向決定
About Speakers
Dr Yanki Lee, CEO / Co-founder
Dr Yanki Lee is a social designer, design researcher, educator, design activist and expert in design research for social inclusion and participation. She is an Associate Professor at Linnaeus University (Sweden), Dr Lee received her MA in Architecture (2000) from the Royal College of Art (RCA) and a PhD in design participation from Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She worked as a Research Fellow at the Royal College of Art's Helen Hamlyn Centre for Inclusive Design since 2000 and founded Exhibit at Golden Lane Estate CIC in London. In 2013 she was invited by the Hong Kong Vocational Training Council returning to her hometown to set up the HKDI DESIS Lab after she received RCA Honorary Fellowship and China-UK Fellowship of Excellence for her works in design research and social innovation.In 2017 Yanki established the Enable Foundation in Hong Kong, using startup funding from HKSAR Government’s Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) as part of the Social Innovation Design Lab (SI.DLab).
Ire Tsui, COO/ Co-founder
Ire Tsui is a design editor, writer, researcher and creator. Co-founder of Talking Hands Studio and Enable Foundation, a non-profit social design collective. Trained as a designer, researcher and anthropologist. Tsui graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design BA(Hons) in Design and Master of Arts postgraduate degree in Anthropology at CUHK. Tsui was previously Managing Editor of Mingpao Weekly, Feature Editor at MING and CREAM magazine. Now she works collaboratively with designers, artists, cultural institutions, brands and organisations on exhibition, programmes and workshops. The collaborating organisations include Tai Kwun: Centre for Heritage and Arts, Making on Loft, Design Trust, PolyU SD Press, RTHK and media in Hong Kong. Publication: A Study on Beiwei Calligraphy and Type Design 《香港北魏真書》(2018), co-authored with Adonian Chan.
About Moderator
Jeannie Wu, Director of HART
Experienced Consultant with a Master of Arts focused in Literary & Cultural Studies from The University of Hong Kong, and a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Wu’s role as an art dealer at Vermillion Art Collections allowed Wu to gain insight in depth into contemporary art collecting and connect closely with artists, in particular helping renowned local artist ‘Frog King’ to organise his studio. She actively engaged in various large-scale projects as Project Officer at Hong Kong Arts Centre such as ‘Hong Kong Short Film: New Action Express’. Wu then further expanded and consolidated her network within the local art scene during her freelance work supporting the artist-run initiative Painting On and On. After 4 years of working as Personal Assistant to collector/consultant/curator William Zhao, Wu took up key positions at K11 Art Foundation as Cultural Manager and now, HART Collective as Director to lead within the art and cultural industry, break boundaries and connect creative talents within the network.
啟民創社聯合創始人 李欣琪博士
李欣琪博士是設計研究員、設計行動者和社會共融、參與設計研究的專家。 現任職瑞典林奈大學副教授和「啟民創社」行政總監。李博士於2000年於皇家藝術學院建築學碩士畢業, 於香港理工大學獲得設計學博士學位。她自2000年起擔任著名海倫·哈姆林融合設計中心的研究學者,並於倫敦Golden Lane Estate CIC成立創意社區空間EXHIBIT。2013年其設計研究、社會創新工作獲頒授RCA Honorary Fellowship和China-UK Fellowship of Excellence獎項,同年獲香港職業訓練局邀請回港成立HKDI DESIS Lab 。 2017年李博士於香港創辦「啟民創社」,開設由香港特別行政區扶貧委員會轄下「社會創新及創業發展基金」資助的能力提升計劃「社創設計室」。
啟民創社聯合創始人 徐巧詩
徐巧詩是設計生活作者、編輯及研究員。Talking Hands工作室發起人、非牟利社會設計機構啟民創社共同創辦人,專責策劃內容、傳意工作。畢業於香港理工大學設計學院學士、香港中文大學人類學文學碩士課程。曾任職《明報周刊》編輯主任、《明日風尚》及《CREAM》等編採工作。現正與各大媒體和設計/文化機構合作策劃創意專題內容、展覽和工作坊,合作機構包括:大館、樂在製造、信言設計大使、理工大學設計學院、香港電台和媒體等。聯合編著出版作品:《荷李活道》、《家在街:香港自建社區》、《香港北魏真書》。
HART 總監 胡津如
胡氏畢業於香港大學,獲取文學碩士學位。作為資深藝術顧問,胡氏擁有多年藝術行政管理和節目統籌的專業經驗。胡氏曾於 Vermillion Art Collections 擔當藝術代理人一職,從中建立對現代藝術收藏的獨特見解,更與藝術家緊密合作,例如替著名本地藝術家「蛙王」管理工作室。於香港藝術中心工作期間,胡氏以項目主任的身分積極參與了不少大型節目,包括〈香港短片新里程〉;亦在本地藝術家發起的〈繪畫大道中〉計劃中,以自由工作者身分管理項目,並繼續擴展本地藝術圈網絡。其後四年,胡氏更成為藝術收藏家/顧問/策展人 William Zhao 的私人助理,更擔任關鍵職位,如 K11 Art Foundation 藝術文化發展經理,現為 HART 總監,銳意致力推廣藝術文化,打破界線,以創意思維連繫藝術人才。