Terms & Conditions

  1. This event is hosted by HART Collective Limited (Organiser). All personal data entered on the registration page will be sent to the Organiser.

  2. Registration for this event has commenced with immediate effect and will close once the event is full.

  3. HART Collective Limited will send out reminders to participants by phone or email two days prior to the event.

  4. The Organiser reserves the right to add or withdraw or substitute and/or vary advertised programmes.

  5. The Organiser, marketing partner(s) or any relevant person(s) or party of this event is not liable for any loss or damage (indirect or causing loss) or personal injury or death caused by the participants’ participation in this event.

  6. The Organiser reserves the right to suspend, amend or change the Terms and Conditions and the arrangements for this event, and may cancel or terminate the event at any time without notice and the Organiser shall not bear any responsibility or liability.

  7. Participants must provide their real name, email address and phone number. If the submitted information is inaccurate or incomplete, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the registration.

  8. With the participants’ consent, the Organiser may use personal data of participants provided for direct marketing purposes. Participants may, at any time, opt-out from receiving further direct marketing communications in writing.

  9. Participant quotas cannot be transferred.

  10. In case of dispute, the decision of HART Collective Limited shall be final and binding.


  1. 本活動由 HART Collective Limited (主辦單位) 主辦 。所有於活動中輸入的個人資料將會傳送給主辦單位 。

  2. 本活動報名日期由即日開始,額滿即止。

  3. HART Collective Limited 將會在活動前兩天,以電話或電郵提醒參加者。

  4. 主辦單位有權增減或更換及 / 或更改已公佈的節目。

  5. 本活動之主辦單位、市場推廣合作夥伴或任何相關人士或一方,均毋須對參加者如因參與此活動所引致之任何損失或損毀(非直接或引發性之損失)或個人傷亡負傷任何責任。

  6. 主辦單位有權暫停、修訂或更改此等條款及關於本活動的各項安排,並可隨時取消或終止活動而毋須就此發出通知,亦不需要為此承擔任何責任。

  7. 參加者必須提供真實姓名、電郵地址及電話號碼。若所遞交的資料有錯漏或不正確,主辦單位有權取消之該參加者的參加資格。

  8. 在參加者的同意下,參加者所提供的個人資料有機會用作主辦單位日後推廣活動及其他宣傳活動之用。如參加者日後不欲再收到主辦單位之推廣或優惠資訊,可以書面通知主辦單位安排終止有關該類信息之發放。

  9. 所有參加名額均不能全部或部分轉讓。

  10. 若有任何爭議,HART Collective Limited 將保留最終決定權。