Inauguration of “Open House Hong Kong” Architecture Festival -
Experience the city’s architecture like never before 
⾸屆「打開香港」 - 以全新視⾓探索這座城市的建築空間 

Key Dates
Public Registration for tours 開放登記導賞團 
Register here 報名登記

Tours and talks 導賞團活動及講座 
21, 22, 28 & 29.09.2024

Talks and studio visits (to be updated) 講座及建築⼯作室參觀(具體⽇⼦有待發佈)

We are thrilled to share with you the inaugural edition of Open House Hong Kong is slated to be held on the weekends of 21–22 and 28–29 September 2024! In partnership with the Design Trust, the Festival will showcase around 50 sites and buildings around Hong Kong, highlighting the remarkable cultural and architectural diversity of the city. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore a range of architectural styles, from vernacular architecture and nineteenth-century colonial buildings to cutting-edge designs by local and international “starchitects”.

Upholding the spirit of Open House, the festival will include sites that are usually not open to the public, such as historic buildings, skyscrapers, industrial buildings, and infrastructure. They will open their doors to welcome visitors, allowing the general public to personally experience the architectural wisdom and art of Hong Kong. In addition to the building visits, the team will also organise various activities, including guided tours and discussions led by experts and architecture enthusiasts, exploring themes such as design, aesthetics, history, heritage, livability, and sustainability.

"Open House Hong Kong" is the brainchild of a group of young, passionate Hong Kong architecture enthusiasts who are eager to introduce the city's new and old buildings to local and global audiences. The organising committee members come from a diverse background , including architects, educators, curators, scholars, researchers, and more.

The first Open House was held in London in 1992, and the concept has since spread across the world. Today it is an international event with a global network of about 60 organisations that host festivals and conversations about architecture, design, and cities. Attended by hundreds of thousands of visitors, and co-created by industry professionals, volunteers, and other stakeholders, Open House Worldwide is the largest celebration of the urban landscape in the world. “Open Cities” include London, Barcelona, Osaka, and more. Hong Kong will be joining for the first time in 2024! 

我們很高興分享首屆《打開香港》由信言設計大使 Design Trust 全力支持,活動將於2024年9月21至22日和28至29日兩個周末舉行 。團隊誠邀大家遊走於香港的山海與街巷之間,探索50多座地標建築,感受非凡的城市文化與工藝 。活動中的精選地標涵蓋不同的建築風格,包括鄉土建築、殖民時期建築、星級國際建築大師及本地年輕建築師的前衛設計等等。

秉承Open House的精神,⼀些平常不對外開放的空間,例如歷史建築、摩天商廈、⼯業建築和基礎 設施,將會開⾨迎賓,讓市⺠⼤眾親⾝體驗本港的建築智慧和藝術。除了建築參訪之外,團隊亦將 推出各項活動,包括由專家和建築愛好者主持的導賞和對談,探討設計、美學、歷史、歷史遺產、 宜居性和可持續性等主題。 活動由⼀班年⻘、充滿熱誠的建築愛好者發起,他們渴望向本地和全球觀眾介紹香港的新舊建築, 展示這座城市的豐富多樣。統籌委員會成員來⾃不同領域,如建築師、教育⼯作者、策劃⼈、學 者、研究者等。

第⼀屆Open House在1992年於倫敦舉⾏,⾃此擴展⾄世界各地,現時已有近60個城市加入,Open House Worldwide 這個國際網絡透過公眾活動推動對建築、設計和城市的討論和關注,成為全球最 ⼤型的城市/建築/設計盛事,每年均有數⼗萬計訪客參與各地的Open House,每場節⽬都是由建 築設計業界⼈⼠、義⼯及不同持份者傾⼒協作共創。「開放城市」包括倫敦、巴塞隆拿、⼤阪等 地,⽽香港則在2024年⾸次加入Open House⾏列! 

Learn more 了解更多

One of the sites 其中一個地點

The Henderson Guided Tours 導賞團
First Session 第一節
Date 日期:28.09.2024 (Sun 六)
Time 時間:16:30 - 17:30
Language 語言 : English and partly Cantonese 英語 及 部份廣東話
Led by 導賞 : Estelle Chan (Senior Project Manager of The Henderson) and 及 Kaloyan Erevinov (Senior Associate, Zaha Hadid Architects)

Second Session 第二節
Date 日期:29.09.2024 (Sun日)
Time 時間:10:00 - 11:00
Language 語言 : English and partly Cantonese 英語 及 部份廣東話
Led by 導賞 : Sara Klomps (Zaha Hadid Architects) and 及 Eureka Chu (Senior Associate, Ronald Lu & Partners)