Exhibition Opening Talk 展覽開幕講座
Sharing on the Making of Household Gods《駐家寧神》創作分享
To officially launch the exhibition, a public talk will be held at 6pm during our opening on the 30th of September at HART Hall, featuring curator Ying Kwok and four artists of the show - Nadim Abbas, Shane Aspegren, Tap Chan and Wu Jiaru, who will share more about their creative journey with HART in preparing Household Gods.
Come join us in person at HART Hall, or virtually through our Facebook livestream.
Date: September 30 (Wed)
Time: 6pm - 7pm
Language of medium: English
Registration for the event has been closed.
You may still sign up for our waiting list in person at the venue on event day,
or join the talk virtually through our Facebook live-stream.
Thank you for your support.
Please Note: To minimise the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the community, the number of visitors to HART Hall will be limited and regulated according to the latest social distancing policy from the Hong Kong Government.
*Only registered guests will be admitted for the event.
*On event day, please check in at our reception 10 minutes prior to the event. Checked-in guests will be admitted on a first-come-first-served basis.
*Once HART Hall reaches its maximum capacity, guests will be directed to an alternative venue on a different level of the same building, where the live-stream of talk will be broadcasted.
To join the talk virtually through our Facebook livestream, please use this link.
於開幕當日,為展覽揭開序幕的是由策展人郭瑛、以及藝術家唐納天、Shane Aspegren、陳沁昕、吳佳儒所參與開幕講座。透過講座,策展人以及藝術家將會分享更多有關他們在 HART 籌備《駐家寧神》的創作點滴。
歡迎你親自到場參與,或透過我們 Facebook 收看直播。
時間:6pm - 7pm
*為減低COVID-19在社區傳播的風險,HART將根據政府最新的社會距離措施,於 HART Hall實施人流管制措施。
*一旦HART Hall會場到達人數上限,工作人員會指示參加者到於另一樓層的後備會場觀看直播。
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