HART is committed to providing a safe environment for our visitors and staff. Please complete this form and take a body temperature test upon your arrival. You will not be allowed into the exhibition venue if you fail to complete this form, pass the temperature check or confirm the matters as set out in this form. We appreciate your cooperation.
HART致力為來賓及員工提供健康安全環境。煩請來賓到訪本展覽時填妥健康申報表,並量度體溫。 如閣下未能填妥本表格通過體溫測試、或確認本表格所列出的事項,閣下將不能進入本展覽場地。感謝閣下的配合。
I hereby declare and agree that: 本人申報、聲明及同意如下:
1. I do not have and have not had in the past 14 days any of the following symptoms - fever, malaise, dry cough, shortness of breath or other flu-like symptoms.
本人現時及過去 14 日內並無以下任何症狀,包括發燒、乏力、乾咳、呼吸困難或感冒症狀。
2. I have not been out of Hong Kong in the past 14 days. / I have been out of Hong Kong in the past 14 days but am exempted by the HKSAR government for compulsory quarantine.
本人在過去 14 日內並無離開香港。 / 本人在過去 14 日內曾離開香港,但獲香港特區政府豁免接受強制檢疫。
3. I have not been in close contact with any person who has travelled outside Hong Kong in the past 14 days and has not been exempted by the HKSAR government for compulsory quarantine, in particular family members or helpers.
本人並未曾與在過去 14 日內曾離開香港而未獲香港特區政府豁免接受強制檢疫的任何人士有密切接觸,尤其是家人及家庭傭工。
4. I have not been in close contact with any person who is a confirmed or preliminary positive case of Novus Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in Hong Kong or overseas in the past 14 days.
本人在過去 14 日內並未曾與任何確診人士或懷疑確診人士(無論在香港或海外)有密切接觸。
5. I confirm that the above information is accurate to my best knowledge, and agree that such information may only be disclosed to parties where I have given consent to such disclosure or where such disclosure is allowed under HART’s Privacy Policy Statement (https://thehart.com.hk/privacy-policy-statement).
本人聲明據本人所知及所信,以上資料均屬正確無誤,並明白資料只會於本人同意或HART的 《私隱政策聲明》(https://thehart.com.hk/privacy-policy-statement) 所允許的情況下,才向有關方面披露。
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