Wu Jiaru 吳佳儒

Wu Jiaru 吳佳儒

Wu Jiaru is a Hong Kong-based artist who received her dual BA degrees in Fine Arts and English Language from Tsinghua University in 2014, and her MFA from the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong in 2017. Her work is in the collections of M+ Museum, Burger Collection, etc. She recently received the New York fellowship grant from the Asian Cultural Council. 

吳佳儒是一位香港藝術家,於 2014 年在清華大學獲得藝術與英語學士雙學位,並於 2017 年取得香港城市大學創意媒體碩士學位。她的作品在 M+ 博物館、Burger Collection等的藏品。她最近獲得了亞洲文化協會的紐約資助。

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The Buoy (KR/US)

The Buoy (KR/US)

The Buoy was formed as a collaboration between Jen Yoohyun Lee and Marty Miller. The two independent practitioners wondered, “how could creative practice navigate times of uncertainty?” Rooted in personal histories of transitions, The Buoy aims to be present during times of flux by staying rooted but able to shift with the current of events. The Buoy consciously drifts across the blurred boundaries of visual culture through practicing socially-engaged art & design as well as photography and installation. The mission of The Buoy is to stay lighthearted yet stay engaged enough to look beneath the waves of change. The Buoy currently lives and works in Hong Kong and completing their Doctorates in the Philosophy of Social Design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

The Buoy 由 Jen Yoohyun Lee 和 Marty Miller 的合作創立。兩位獨立藝術家好奇:「創意實踐如何渡過不確定的時期?」紥根於個人的過渡歷史中,The Buoy 希望在時間的波動中繼續紮根時,仍能在事件的洪流中漂動。通過實踐社會互動的藝術和設計,以及攝影和裝置,The Buoy 有意識地跨越模糊的視覺文化邊界。The Buoy 的使命是保持愉快和投入,以直視變化的浪潮。The Buoy現於香港工作及居住,正完成他們在香港理工大學社會設計博士學位。

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Sharu Binnong Sikdar (HK)

Sharu Binnong Sikdar (HK)

Sharu Binnong Sikdar (b. 1994) is a Hong Kong born, Indian-Filipino artist graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design, Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting) in 2017. Sikdar’s artistic practice is repetitive and labour-intensive as she collects and reconstructs found objects. Natural materials such as branches, barks, leaves, and biologically with her hair are the main materials for Sikdar’s practice. Her works become a platform to explore the relationship between nature and human beings, the ephemerality and personal growth.

Sharu Binnong Sikdar 是一位 1994 年生於香港、屬印度及菲律賓藉的藝術家,她於2017年畢業於香港薩凡納藝術設計學院。Sikdar 收集、組裝、解構及重組現成物,她的創作富重覆性及勞動密集性,並常運用天然物料如樹枝、樹皮並樹葉。Sikdar 自創作以來都以利用自身髮絲作為創作媒介,藉以發掘身體與自然、個人成長與轉瞬的關係。

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Law Man Lok 羅文樂 (HK)

Law Man Lok 羅文樂 (HK)

Starting from drawing figures but ending up creating conceptual arts, Law eventually dabbles from paintings to anything whimsical. With many mismatches, he is so versatile thanks to his curiosity about the world. He plans to settle down at HART Haus and slowly work on his “DIY aesthetic”.

初初只係想畫公仔點知就變咗做概念藝術,於是由繪畫到古靈精怪的都有汲足。是一個錯Q晒,對世界好奇所以百足咁多爪嘅人類。在 HART Haus 計劃靜下來,慢慢搞下佢想了很久的「土炮美學」。


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Chui Pui Chee 徐沛之 (HK)

Born in 1980, Dr Pui Chee Chui apprenticed under Mr. Jat See-yeu and Professor Wang Dong-ling. After obtaining hisfirst degree at the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chui furthered his postgraduate studies at the Department of Chinese Calligraphy, China Academy of Art, where he obtained his Master of Arts and Doctoral Degrees in 2007 and 2010 respectively. Chui's artworks are collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology of University of Oxford and are popular among private collectors.

徐沛之生於 1980 年師從翟仕堯老師及王冬齡教授,先後獲香港中文大學藝術系學士、中國美術學院書法系碩士及博士學位。曾任香港中文大學專業進修學院藝術及設計課程統籌、香港中文大學兼任講師、香港科技大學兼任講師,中國嘉德(香港)國際拍賣有限公司中國書畫部、香港中文大學專業進修學院課程榮譽顧問。現為甲子書學會執行委員(學術)、石齋之友執行委員、中國美術學院現代書法研究中心研究員。作品為香港藝術館、英國牛津大學阿什莫林藝術與考古博物館及私人收藏。


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Michele Chu 朱凱婷 (HK)

Michele Chu in her practice explores intimacy and human connection, specifically the interplay between sensory elements and space to amplify emotional connection between individuals. Her works contemplate what makes us human, through mediums like performances, sculptures, multi-sensory installations and public interventions amongst others.

Her work has been shown at 1a Space (Hong Kong); Negative Space (Hong Kong); and Tai Kwun Contemporary (Hong Kong). Her debut solo exhibition at PHD Group, “you, trickling,” was featured in The New York Times, Artforum, ArtReview Asia, Frieze, Ocula, and other publications.

She is a recipient of Soundpocket’s Artist Support Program from 2020-21 and was in residence at London’s Delfina Foundation as part of their “Performance as Process” program in 2023.


她的作品曾在1a Space(香港)展出; Negative Space(香港); 及大館當代美術館(香港)。 她在 PHD Group 的首次個展「you, trickling」曾在《紐約時報》、Artforum、ArtReview Asia、Frieze、Ocula 等刊物上發表專題報導。

她是 Soundpocket 2020-21 年度藝術家支持計劃的獲得者;2023年參與倫敦Delfina Foundation的《Performance as Process》駐留計劃。


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Natasha Cheung 張㯋曦 (HK)

Natasha Cheung (b. 1998, Sydney, Australia) received her BA in Fine Arts and Visual Studies from the University of Pennsylvania in 2020 and her MA in History of Art and Archaeology from SOAS, University of London in 2021.

Cheung’s research focuses on articulating incompatible assemblages of identity without reifying existing structures that seek to compartmentalize and invalidate contradiction. She sees paradox as a necessity and strives to make this visible and visceral through implementing installation, photography, video, performance, conversation, as well as drawing itself as forms of drawing. In particular, she is interested in the languages and belief structures constructed to describe sight and vision, and making visible how these non-neutral interfaces have contributed to continued colonial imaginaries as well as how to manipulate these languages to render the absurdity of our reality.

張㯋曦於 1998 年出生於澳洲悉尼,2020年畢業於賓夕法尼亞大學(藝術和視覺研究系),2021年畢業於倫敦大學亞非學院(藝術史與建築學系)。


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