Xiyue (Emma) MO 莫熙悅
/Emma has graduated with a BA Fine Art degree from the University of Arts, London (2022) and an MA degree in Curating Contemporary Art from Royal College of Art (2023).
Seeking and capturing the poetics within the mundane, which Emma’s artistic practice and research draw inspiration from her everyday observation and personal narratives. Through experimenting with various mediums such as paintings, sounds and multi-media installations, she attempts to translate her thoughts and visions into visual forms and immersive spaces, as a reflection of her own comprehension between self and the surrounding world. Further delving into the relationship between private and public spheres, individual and collective consciousness, memories and identities.
莫氏的藝術實踐和調研從日常生活以及個人敘事中汲取靈感。 透過運用不同的媒介,如繪畫、聲音和多媒體裝置,重塑空間以及空間裡的物件。 她試圖記錄和捕捉平凡事物中的詩意,從而反映對自我與週邊環境的認知和理解。 更深入探討關於私人和公共領域,個體與集體意識、記憶和認同之間的關係。