Boroka Kopacz (RO)

Boroka Kopacz was born in Transylvania in 1989. She dedicated close to a decade to her interdisciplinary studies in art, design and philosophy. She translates personal and collective inner landscapes onto canvas, paper and rice paper across scales. She is fascinated by Asian metaphysical traditions, and is a student of Chinese ink as a form of meditation and spiritual expression.

Kopacz opened up her studio in PMQ, and recently moved to Hart Haus collective. Here she creates and holds safe space for herself and others to express themselves from the soul She calls her process: Artflow. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Savannah College of Art and Design and a Master of Urban Environment Design from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

She lives and works in Hong Kong with her husband, Claudio and three years old son, Leonardo.

Boroka 1989年生於外西凡尼亞,奉獻將近十年於修讀跨學科藝術、設計,和哲學。她將個人和群體的內在景象演繹在不同尺寸的畫布、紙本和米紙上。她為亞洲形而上的傳統著迷,正學習將中國水墨運用於冥想和靈性表達上。

Kopacz 曾於 PMQ 開設工作室,最近則遷至 HART Haus。在這裡她創作和為自身和他人維持安全的環境表達靈魂—她稱這個過程為Artflow。她擁有薩凡納藝術與設計學院美術學士學位和香港理工大學城市環境設計碩士學位。

她與丈夫 Claudio 和三歲的兒子 Leonardo 現居和工作於香港。

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