The 2-encounters workshop revolves around traditional ink painting technique yet focuses on its evolution based on every participant’s personal touches. Beyond any figurative forms of art, the workshop aims at guiding participants to be abstract and expressive, and embrace what is seemingly disruptive and to absorb, respond and react in unexpected happenings in life.
Date & Time
July 31, 2021 (Sat) and August 14, 2021 (Sat)
(Each class compiles of two sessions)
14:30 - 16:00
3/F, Cheung Hing Ind. Bldg., 12P Smithfield Rd., Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Participation Fee
Early-Bird Complete Experiential Journeys Package (Enrol by June 14, 2021)
Click here for more details
Early-Bird Participation Fee (Enrol by June 14, 2021)
HK$1,100 / Class (two sessions)
Regular Participation Fee (Enrol starting from June 15, 2021)
HK$1,500 / Class (two sessions)
Medium of Instruction
Conducted in Cantonese - occasionally supplemented by English during the experience
2021年7月31日 (星期六) 及 2021年8月14日 (星期六)
14:30 - 16:00
堅尼地城祥興工業大廈三樓HART Haus
早鳥完整體驗主題之旅 (只限6月14日或之前報名)
早鳥時段參加費 (只限6月14日或之前報名)
HK$1,100 /班別 (共兩節)
參加費 (6月15日起)
HK$1,500 /班別 (共兩節)
以廣東話教授 - 間中附以英語說明
About Course Instructors
Doris Ng
Doris Ng is an artist residing in Hong Kong. Her artwork is coded with rich color, symbols and texts. She relates the surrounding contexts with her life episodes. Through collaging, she attempts to storytell the overwhelming information. She works in an intense manner- with constant motions to assemble, layer, erase and overlap. This is how her hands weave and unfold the tangled comprehension of unique interrelationships. Her recently exhibited works are 999000110112 and The ubiquitous gates.
Chui Pui-chee
Chui Pui-chee apprenticed under Mr. Jat See-yeu and Professor Wang Dong-ling. After obtaining his first degree in Fine Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chui furthered his postgraduate studies at the Department of Chinese Calligraphy, China Academy of Art, where he obtained his Master of Arts and Doctoral Degrees. Chui's artworks are collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology of University of Oxford, and are popular among private collectors.
吳玳誼,生於香港,現為全職藝術家。作品主要以痕跡和符號學為視覺語言。透過雙手重複塗抹畫面,像是寫詩,亦像是在説故事。 畫作上總呈現豐富艷麗的顔色,各種符號,及多層圖案,讓觀衆自身體驗及解讀畫面上的綫索。創作主題圍繞自身處於出多個文化和城市的矛盾。現專注研究街頭塗鴉,文字與社區文化之間的關係。2021展出作品包括 <999000110112> 和 <閘>。