Based on his experiences, Laurence will share their in-depth insight into tackling challenges and gaining resilience from the establishment of iDENDRON and the forming of the ever-growing communities of all the start-ups that he connected with.
Experiential Journey Rundown
Introduction by Laurence and Jeannie - their own journeys as community builders
Case studies Sharing - about their community members
Let’s play a game! --- to gain insights
Wrap up Q&A: Collecting your input and insights
Date & Time
July 24, 2021 (Sat)
14:30 - 16:00
3/F, Cheung Hing Ind. Bldg., 12P Smithfield Rd., Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Participation Fee
Early-Bird Complete Experiential Journeys Package (Enrol by June 14, 2021)
Click here for more details
Early-Bird Participation Fee (Enrol by June 14, 2021)
Regular Participation Fee (Enrol starting from June 15, 2021)
Medium of Instruction
Conducted bilingually - depending on guest speakers’ preferred medium
鄧日朗會分享其經驗,說說一直以來 iDENDRON 創新創業中心是如何連結各企業管理者人和專才,從中領悟他們的群體是怎樣應對挑戰、凝聚和訓練堅毅精神。
2021年6月26日 (星期六)
14:30 - 16:00
堅尼地城祥興工業大廈三樓HART Haus
早鳥完整體驗主題之旅 (只限6月14日或之前報名)
早鳥時段參加費 (只限6月14日或之前報名)
參加費 (6月15日起)
雙語教授 - 按協作客席講者即場傾向決定
About Speaker
Laurence Tang, Senior Manager, HKU iDENDRON
Laurence Tang is managing iDendron, HKU innovation and entrepreneurship hub, with a mission to promote innovation and incubate HKU startups. iDendron is hosting and incubating over 50+ HKU startups, running various inter-disciplinary programs to help young people realize ideas and bring impact. He is also the Senior Resident Tutor of University Hall, a young intellectual community of 110 students with history of over 60 years.
He graduated with Bachelor of Social Science (Politics and Public Administration) and Master of Public Health at The University of Hong Kong. Laurence participates in public service actively through serving different advisory bodies of the Hong Kong government. He was the Member of the Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee and currently is the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
About Moderator
Jeannie Wu, Director of HART
Experienced Consultant with a Master of Arts focused in Literary & Cultural Studies from The University of Hong Kong, and a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Wu’s role as an art dealer at Vermillion Art Collections allowed Wu to gain insight in depth into contemporary art collecting and connect closely with artists, in particular helping renowned local artist ‘Frog King’ to organise his studio. She actively engaged in various large-scale projects as Project Officer at Hong Kong Arts Centre such as ‘Hong Kong Short Film: New Action Express’. Wu then further expanded and consolidated her network within the local art scene during her freelance work supporting the artist-run initiative Painting On and On. After 4 years of working as Personal Assistant to collector/consultant/curator William Zhao, Wu took up key positions at K11 Art Foundation as Cultural Manager and now, HART Collective as Director to lead within the art and cultural industry, break boundaries and connect creative talents within the network.
香港大學創新及創業中心 iDendron 高級經理 鄧日朗
HART 總監 胡津如
胡氏畢業於香港大學,獲取文學碩士學位。作為資深藝術顧問,胡氏擁有多年藝術行政管理和節目統籌的專業經驗。胡氏曾於 Vermillion Art Collections 擔當藝術代理人一職,從中建立對現代藝術收藏的獨特見解,更與藝術家緊密合作,例如替著名本地藝術家「蛙王」管理工作室。於香港藝術中心工作期間,胡氏以項目主任的身分積極參與了不少大型節目,包括〈香港短片新里程〉;亦在本地藝術家發起的〈繪畫大道中〉計劃中,以自由工作者身分管理項目,並繼續擴展本地藝術圈網絡。其後四年,胡氏更成為藝術收藏家/顧問/策展人 William Zhao 的私人助理,更擔任關鍵職位,如 K11 Art Foundation 藝術文化發展經理,現為 HART 總監,銳意致力推廣藝術文化,打破界線,以創意思維連繫藝術人才。