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Exploring Values and Discovering Our Resilience | 《探索價值、發掘堅毅》

  • HART Haus 3/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building Kennedy Town Hong Kong (map)

Dream Impact will be collaborating with HART to bring social impact organisations and artists together to explore cross-disciplinary practices across education, empowerment, community building, food and environmental practices as expressions of resilience.

How did these social impact organisations survive through the challenges of COVID-19? How are artists creating work that responds to such a turbulent time? How does art and social impact cross over? Is art the most expressive form of activism and is business the most expressive form of art?

Join us for an interactive workshop and dialogue exploring these intersections!

Experiential Journey Rundown

  1. Introduction by Dorothy and Jeannie - Resilience and our Brand Values

  2. Case studies Sharing with our guests invited

  3. An exercise hosted by our guests, including HART Haus artists (Hausians) - Responding specifically to Social Impact and Community Building

  4. Wrap up Q&A: Collecting your input and insights

Date & Time
June 26, 2021 (Sat)
14:30 - 16:00

3/F, Cheung Hing Ind. Bldg., 12P Smithfield Rd., Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

Participation Fee
Early-Bird Complete Experiential Journeys Package (Enrol by June 14, 2021)
Click here for more details

Early-Bird Participation Fee (Enrol by June 14, 2021)

Regular Participation Fee (Enrol starting from June 15, 2021)

Medium of Instruction
Conducted in English only

一個由「夢創成真」與 HART共同舉辦的交流活動, 讓你可以同時了解社會創新企業家及藝術創作家如何製造社會影響力,探索跨界別如何從實踐教育、賦權/增強自主性、社區建立、及本地食物與環境保育的項目體現堅韌的抗逆力。面對疫情,這些強悍的伙伴和創意單位是如何自處和反應的呢?藝術和社創又如何相互聯繫和影響的呢?也許藝術是最能實踐到社會改革? 而一個企業「一盤生意」才是最能發揮的藝術?來參與我們的互動環節了解更多、相互連結吧!


  1. 林之鴻與胡津如為大家熱身,了解是日主題:我們如何將堅毅與品牌價值連結起來

  2. 兩位主持和他們邀請的嘉賓會做案例分享,說說我們做項目時的經驗、各人對主題的看法

  3. 受邀嘉賓(包括 HART 匯舍藝術家)會跟大家做一個有趣實驗互動環節!回應群體建立和社會影響力的千絲萬縷

  4. 收集參與者的見解回饋

2021年6月26日 (星期六)
14:30 - 16:00

堅尼地城祥興工業大廈三樓HART Haus

早鳥完整體驗主題之旅 (只限6月14日或之前報名)

早鳥時段參加費 (只限6月14日或之前報名)

參加費 (6月15日起)


About Speaker

Dorothy Lam, Co-Founder & Chief Catalyst, Dream Impact
With a multi-dimensional background and experience in emerging technology, social innovation and community arts in New York City, Hong Kong, Berlin & Abu Dhabi, she leads with new perspectives of how businesses can integrate creative and alternative solutions to solve today’s social issues. She has worked with the UNICEF Office of Innovation, New York University and founded other ventures prior to Dream Impact.

About Moderator

Jeannie Wu, Director of HART
Experienced Consultant with a Master of Arts focused in Literary & Cultural Studies from The University of Hong Kong, and a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Wu’s role as an art dealer at Vermillion Art Collections allowed Wu to gain insight in depth into contemporary art collecting and connect closely with artists, in particular helping renowned local artist ‘Frog King’ to organise his studio. She actively engaged in various large-scale projects as Project Officer at Hong Kong Arts Centre such as ‘Hong Kong Short Film: New Action Express’. Wu then further expanded and consolidated her network within the local art scene during her freelance work supporting the artist-run initiative Painting On and On. After 4 years of working as Personal Assistant to collector/consultant/curator William Zhao, Wu took up key positions at K11 Art Foundation as Cultural Manager and now, HART Collective as Director to lead within the art and cultural industry, break boundaries and connect creative talents within the network.


夢創成真聯合創始人 & 首席推動者 林之鴻
憑藉她在紐約、柏林和阿布扎比時,在嶄新科技、社會創新和社區藝術策劃方面上的多維經驗,她能為不同企業帶來創新和另類方案的新觀點,以更有效地解決當今社會問題。她曾與 UNICEF Office of Innovation 合作,亦在夢創成真開始之前創立過其他的初創計劃。


HART 總監 胡津如
胡氏畢業於香港大學,獲取文學碩士學位。作為資深藝術顧問,胡氏擁有多年藝術行政管理和節目統籌的專業經驗。胡氏曾於 Vermillion Art Collections 擔當藝術代理人一職,從中建立對現代藝術收藏的獨特見解,更與藝術家緊密合作,例如替著名本地藝術家「蛙王」管理工作室。於香港藝術中心工作期間,胡氏以項目主任的身分積極參與了不少大型節目,包括〈香港短片新里程〉;亦在本地藝術家發起的〈繪畫大道中〉計劃中,以自由工作者身分管理項目,並繼續擴展本地藝術圈網絡。其後四年,胡氏更成為藝術收藏家/顧問/策展人 William Zhao 的私人助理,更擔任關鍵職位,如 K11 Art Foundation 藝術文化發展經理,現為 HART 總監,銳意致力推廣藝術文化,打破界線,以創意思維連繫藝術人才。