“lying across the main direction; running at right angles; in a crosswise direction at right angles to the long axis”
We are thrilled to bring to you our first Social Studio Showcase in 2022. “Trans/versal”. Trans/versal is an open-ended idea that speaks about our individual experiences connected through a shared community. Suggesting that beyond culture and place there is a common line that allows for shared human experience and our need for community that transcends artificial borders.
No matter where we go geographically, we find hope in our ability to make connections despite our different cultural backgrounds. Beyond intellectual terms there is something intangible. Beautiful and layered with meaning that makes spaces wherever you go seem familiar yet different. Frames and borders easily become blurred by shared experience and the common lines of human experience.
Thirteen of our HART Social Studio Programme artists will present their works, oscillating from paintings, sculptures, and installations, all created throughout the artists’ day-to-day art-marking in HART Haus.
Showcase Period
11:00 - 19:00, 10 May - 4 June 2022 (Close on Monday)
Participating Artists Include
BH, Damian Boylan, The Buoy, Natasha Cheung, Chui Pui Chee, Law Man Lok, Vickie Li, Doris Ng, Stephanie Ng, Gisèle Tchitchiama, Merryn Trevethan, KC Wong, Nicholas Wong
Meeting the Artists
Visit the showcase on the dates below to meet the participating artists and attend our events. Our opening night will consist of a series of participatory events presented by The Buoy. Join us on 14/5 for a panel discussion, and our closing celebration with a music performance on 2/6. See further details below.
10/5 (Tuesday) - 17:00 - 20:00
14/5 (Saturday) - 16:00 - 19:00
2/6 (Thursday) - 17:00 - 20:00
Panel Discussion “An Invitation to the Artists Studio”
14/5 (Saturday) - 15:00 - 16:00
In this panel discussion, three current HART Social Studio programme artists will give a sharing about their creative moments at HART, ranging from what it means to have a studio space to how they use the space creatively. This will be followed by an intimate tour to their workstations.
Artists: Law Man Lok, Gisèle Tchitchiama, Merryn Trevethan
Language: English
Participatory Events “Between the lines”
10/5 (Tuesday) - 17:00 - 20:00
14/5 (Saturday) - 17:00 - 20:00
15/5 (Sunday) - 12:00 - 15:00
(Every 30 minutes)
This quiet event invites participants to put down a restless mind, and take a moment to color their visions of unrevealed futures.
Artists: The Buoy
Guided Tours
20/5 (Friday) - 19:00 - 20:00 (English)
21/5 (Saturday) - 15:00 - 16:00 (Chinese)
1/6 (Wednesday) - 19:00 - 20:00 (Chinese)
4/6 (Saturday) - 15:00 - 16:00 (English)
十三位HART匯舍的藝術家將展示他們在HART Haus 日常創作的成果,當中包括繪畫、雕塑、裝置藝術等。
BH、Damian Boylan、The Buoy、張穎曦、徐沛之、羅文樂、李敬儀、吳玳誼、吳芷瑩、Gisèle Tchitchiama、Merryn Trevethan、黃家銓、黃裕邦
在以下日子參觀匯舍展示,與藝術家互動以及參與我們的活動。在5月10日的開幕禮將有 The Buoy 的參與式作品;在5月14日將有三位藝術家的講座以及這個參與式作品;而在6月2日的閉幕禮將有音樂表演。詳情請參閱下方。
在這個輕鬆的講座中,3 位 HART 匯舍藝術將與你分享他們的工作室中的創作實踐,當中包括擁有工作室空間的意義,以及他們如何使用空間。他們其後會邀請觀眾參觀他們的工作區域,進一步與你分享他們的創作。
藝術家:羅文樂、Gisèle Tchitchiama、Merryn Trevethan
參與式作品《Between the lines》
藝術家:The Buoy