In Dialogue with HART 與 HART 對話


In Dialogue with Wu Jiaru | 與吳佳儒對話
Art Making, Stream-of-consciousness and Practice 藝術創作、意識流與練習

Wu Jiaru is one of the very few Hausians who has been engaging to HART Haus Social Studio for over a year - the transformations of her art making always intrigued the HART team, we observe the influences and exchanges that she impacted the evolving community in the studio, and vice versa. Taking this opportunity producing the exhibition with her, we would like to learn about how the artist perceives her own approaches and practices in art making, hoping to also discover more on her views on spectators’ responses.

In the same occasion, HART invited two of our community members to join the conversation - Rose Fu, our intern from CUHK New Asia College, and Cassie Liu, our young student Hausian , the fresh graduate from HKBU Academy of Visual Arts, who is also the winner of HART Award for Moving Image at the 2020 Graduate Show.

吳佳儒是少數在 HART Haus 匯舍駐留超過一年的 Hausian,她做藝術創作的演進不斷讓 HART 團隊為之入迷,我們觀察到其創造與作品在工作室內會潛而默化的影響着正在發展和幻化的社群,而藝術家本身多多小小都有被社群的薰圍感染着。倚仗這個跟她製作展覽的機遇,並藉着是次交談,藝術家將揭露她的創作練習模式所具備的意義,從而發現她是如何看待大眾反應所給她創作的啟示。

同場有身兼 HART 實習生、應屆中大藝術系學生傅珮瑄;以及 2020年浸大視覺藝術院畢業生、HART 流動影像獎得主劉開炘共同互動交談。

Date 日期:August 28, 2020 (Friday) / 二零二零年八月二十八日(星期五)
Time 時間:3:30pm - 4:15pm
Language of medium 語言: Cantonese & Mandarin 廣東話及國語

Live-streaming online 網上直播


About the Artist - Wu Jiaru
藝術家簡介 —— 吳佳儒

Wu Jiaru is an artist who currently works and lives in Hong Kong. She obtained her BA in Fine Arts and English Language from Tsinghua University in 2014, and her MFA from the School of Creative Media in City University of Hong Kong in 2017.

She experiments with imagined spaces and social norms in forms of installation, moving images, printed edition, image synthesis, etc. Wu’s practice covers a wide range of topics, including cross-boundary facilities, literature, modern service industries, manufacturing industries and innovation and technology, romantic relationships, business environment, quality living, education and talent, regional cooperation plans, ecology, as well as mechanisms and arrangements. Wu has participated in many good group exhibitions and her art is in the collection of some important people and organisations.


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