In Dialogue with HART 與 HART 對話


In Dialogue with Shane Aspegren | 與Shane Aspegren對話
On Frequencies, Perception and Matter 頻率、覺知及物體

Date 日期:September 4, 2020 (Friday) / 二零二零年九月四日(星期五)
Time 時間:3:30pm - 4:15pm
Language of medium 語言: English 英語

Live-streaming online 網上直播

Ever since Shane Aspegren joined HART Social Studio, the artist has been continuing the experimental approach, that connects his various practices — focusing largely on human perception, while also deepening his exploration of the material. HART team, as an observant and supporter, is quite conscious about how standards and precision continue to play significant roles in this process, as does the feedback from his audience and participants in his Holistic Sound (a.k.a. sound/mind/matter) sessions. This ongoing research has been crucial to a personal artistic development, while also resonating in other socially creative aspects, through invaluable interactions, idea exchange and practical critique. ⁣⁣⁣
In this conversation, let us all discover more on our comprehension (and/or imagination) of the subject matter made available by Shane’s artworks. ⁣⁣⁣
Shane Aspegren 自加入匯舍後,一直以人類知覺為主軸,在各種藝術創作中進行實驗,當中他對物料的發掘與探索愈發深入。而 HART 作為藝術家的觀察者和支持者,意識到他創作過程中的精準及高水平。他發起的《 Holistic Sound》(亦名《sound/mind/matter》)聲音冥想活動中,參加者的回饋和意見,一方面賦予了他動力,另一方面亦影響了他的創作。他的創作講求社會性,並因當中的互動、交流和評論而得以實現。而如何延續和推進研究,正正是創作這種藝術的關鍵考量。⁣

是次對話中,大家不妨透過思考 Shane 提出的議題,想像他的藝術如何幫助我們了解事物。⁣⁣⁣


About the Artist - Shane Aspegren
藝術家簡介 —— Shane Aspegren

Shane Aspegren’s work juxtaposes improvisational languages within carefully-crafted frameworks, frequently exploring a cross-discipline and non-dualistic perspective on such topics as consciousness, ritual, group dynamics, societal customs, and human response to natural phenomena.

Aspegren is largely known for his practices related to music and sound, which often play an integral part in his installations, images, videos, objects, and performances. Interested in the relational aesthetics of every form, he often uses interactive and collaborative methods of creation, as well as the practical application of those methods, such as his ongoing work with meditative practices — specifically the effects of sound waves and its effects on the human mind and physical matter of the body.

As a musician/ composer, he has performed hundreds of concerts worldwide, in addition to an extensive recorded discography. His artworks have been presented, commissioned, collected, and performed at institutions, museums, and galleries throughout Asia, Europe and North America.

在精心雕琢的框架下,Shane Aspegren的作品並置各種即興語言,不時就意識、儀式、集體互動、習俗及對自然現象的人性反應等議題,嘗試從跨界別和非二元的角度進行探索。



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