Online Exhibition Tour 網上展覽導賞

It is often claimed that we live in a secular age. But our minds are still very much sensitive to supernatural thoughts and feelings. The insight Nadim Abbas, Shane Aspegren, Tap Chan, and Wu Jiaru have shown when exploring human habits, rituals and emotions offers fresh viewpoints of modern life, and the power of visual language on something more divine.
— Ying Kwok, Curator of ‘Household Gods’
人們常說我們如今生活在一個講求科學的世俗時代。然而,我們的思維依舊對超自然的思考和感受具有敏銳的回應。藝術家唐納天、Shane Aspegren、陳沁昕及吳佳儒以嶄新的角度探索人類現代生活中的習慣、儀式及情感,憑藉視覺語言的力量詮釋更為神聖的事物。
— 《駐家寧神》策展人 郭瑛

Missing out the chance to visit Household Gods and our guided tours? Or looking for an opportunity to revisit the exhibition again? We are happy to have our curator - Ying Kwok, to give everyone an exclusive tour of the exhibition together with our four participating artists - Nadim Abbas, Shane Aspegren, Tap Chan and Wu Jiaru. Let’s hear about their ideas behind the latest work for this exhibition, as well as their experience working at HART Haus.

尚未有機會參觀《駐家寧神》和參加我們的導賞團?抑或想找時間再度參觀展覽?我們很榮幸能邀請到我們的策展人郭瑛,聯同四位參展藝術家——唐納天、Shane Aspegren、陳沁昕及吳佳儒,為你帶來以下的獨家導賞。讓我們一起來聽聽他們分享這次展覽新作背後的靈感,並他們在HART Haus的創作經驗。

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