In the Making of… 創作進行中…
Created and presented during a time of change, Household Gods is HART’s first exhibition originated from its Social Studio program. It rethinks how art and creativity empower each of us, and attempts to offer new insights into our complicated and currently uncertain world, addressing questions about the relationships between mankind in a household setting, as well as natural and supernatural phenomenon.
《駐家寧神》是HART匯舍(HART Social Studio)的首個聯展。展覽試圖為複雜多變且充滿不確定性的現今世界提出新的見解,透過不同媒介探討人類與家庭、自然及超自然現象的微妙關係。在當前瞬息萬變的環境下,探究藝術和創意賦予大眾的正面影響。
Making of Household Gods - Nadim Abbas
《駐家寧神》展前預覽 —— 唐納天
Let’s take a sneak peek of the artists’ latest commissioned pieces. Nadim Abbas is developing a series of set pieces that place a new logic on modular domestic furniture to expose the unpredictable nature of image, body and space.
Making of Household Gods - Shane Aspegren
《駐家寧神》展前預覽 —— Shane Aspegren
Shane Aspegren expands his ongoing investigation into the healing qualities of sonic frequencies on the body and brain through a sound piece presented in conjunction with a series of small sculptures in this show.
Shane Aspegren以實驗音樂配合一系列利用天然物料製成的小型雕塑,延續其個人對頻率推動身體與心靈上自癒機制的研究。
Making of Household Gods - Tap Chan
《駐家寧神》展前預覽 —— 陳沁昕
For this exhibition, Tap Chan creates on a sculptural installation that questions the psychological and material nature of space as a concept, exploring the blurring of fiction and reality in modern daily life.
Making of Household Gods - Wu Jiaru
《駐家寧神》展前預覽 —— 吳佳儒
Building from the concept of anxiety, Wu Jiaru’s work experiments with social norms to create lasting sculptures constructed by preserved material, provoking reflections of her daily household existence.
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