The Art of Collage - Giving Paper a Second Life 拼貼藝術 —— 紙張的重生
22 March 三月廿二日 4-5pm
In this talk, Antoine Rameau will tell us more on the subject of paper as a form of art, especially the history, creative process and techniques used in the art of collage. (Conducted in English)
在講座中,Antoine Rameau將會分享紙的藝術,特別是拼貼藝術的歷史、創作過程及技巧。(以英語主講)
Where is the Line? By Daniel Kamp
界線在哪?Daniel Kamp分享會
23 March 三月廿三日 2-3:30pm
Object and space, product and sculpture, nature and humanity. Neither or both? Daniel Kamp, designer and artist, will give a tour of his new works and share his experience of running a creative practice that crosses boundaries and investigates intersections. (Conducted in English)
物品與空間,產品與雕塑,天然與人為。兩者皆非,抑或皆是? 設計師與藝術家Daniel Kamp將會帶大家參觀新作,並分享他在藝術實踐上的經驗,如何跨越領域和研究交集。(以英語主講)
Experiment on a Piece of Democratic Art
23 March 三月廿三日 4-5:30pm
Using methodology as the focus of art making, IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE A PIECE OF ART VIA DEMOCRACY? Find out more through JOINING THIS EXPERIMENT with artist Jiaru Wu. (Conducted in CANTONESE)
Textilisation: from Bodies to Monuments 織語
26 March 三月廿六日 5:30pm-6:30pm
Using their experience in textile and fashion, artists Charlotte Mörling and Raphaële de Broissia will share with us how textiles are used to dress the bodies, and how to put this practice in an artistic context nowadays. (Conducted in English)
運用他們在紡織與時裝的經驗,藝術家Charlotte Mörling和Raphaële de Broissia將會與我們分享紡織品在穿著裝飾上的應用,以及今時今日織物在藝術領域使用上的延伸。(以英語主講)
On Calligraphy: Approaches, Applications and Methodology 書 . 法
27 March 三月廿七日 2:30-4pm
Through the conversation with CHUI Pui Chee and Joyce Chiang, we will take a look at the different approaches in philosophy and conceptualisation chosen by the practitioners in calligraphy. The artists will also share with us their art language and own experience, followed by demonstrations and Q&A. (Conducted in CANTONESE)
是次徐沛之與Joyce Chiang對談將探討書法與視覺藝術的實踐、哲理與概念。兩位亦會分享他們的藝術語言、創作經驗和心路歷程,並以示範及答問環節作結。(以廣東話主講)
How to get to HART Haus?
3/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building, 12P Smithfield Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Please register here for the above Happenings.